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Showing 5121-5130 из 5692 results

Successful Day of International Solidarity Day in Uruguay

28 февраля, 2013Successful Day of International Solidarity Day in Uruguay

Japan's unions add their weight to Mexico action

28 февраля, 2013On 22 February, a delegation from IndustriALL affiliates of Japan (JCM, IndustriALL・JAF, UA Zensen) handed over a letter to Mexican embassy, calling on the below demands and discussed the labor situation in Mexico.

Norwegian action on Mexico

28 февраля, 2013Mexico has no embassy in Norway, so Fellesforbundet has led other kinds of activities in connection with the Mexico Days of Action:

ITUC and Belgian trade union centres at Mexican Embassy

28 февраля, 2013Representatives of the Belgian trade union centres and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) met on 22 February with Hermann Aschentrupp, head of chancery at the Mexican embassy in Belgium.

Labour forum for Malaysian IndustriALL affiliates

28 февраля, 2013IndustriALL Global Union affiliates in Malaysia gathered for a Labour Forum on 25 and 26 February 2013 identifying common problems and a platform for joint activities in the country.

Korean Metalworkers letter to Mexican President

28 февраля, 2013The IndustriALL-affiliated Korean Metalworkers Union (KMWU) joined the global days of action for trade union rights in Mexico through a letter to President Peña Nieto.

Global solidarity ensures union at auto supplier in Turkey

28 февраля, 2013Global solidarity support and 3 Global Framework Agreements assisted Birlesik Metal Is in securing union recognition at Fontana Pietro, an auto supplier plant in Turkey.

Czech trade union joins Mexico action through letter

28 февраля, 2013IndustriALL Global Union's affiliate in the Czech Republic, OS KOVO, wrote to Mexican President Peña Nieto in support of the global days of action for trade union rights in Mexico.

Unilever workers fighting for decent transfer conditions

28 февраля, 2013FNV Bondgenoten began taking action on 28 February after talks broke down on ensuring workers’ benefits and rights, including pensions and work guarantees, will remain in their transfer from Unilever to Sodexo.

Oil workers demonstrate in Iraq

28 февраля, 2013Chanting “People’s oil is not for the people but for thieves” hundreds of workers protested against the South Oil Company in Iraq on 19 February 2013, and called for housing, permanent work and payment of delayed benefits.

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