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Industry controlled Responsible Jewellery Council fails to fulfill promise

22 мая, 2013Industry controlled Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) fails to fulfill promise of preventing conflict diamonds and dirty gold. Trade unions and environmental groups team up to expose deep flaws in jewelry certification system

Global unions renew agreement with Lafarge

21 мая, 2013On 21 May 2013 IndustriALL, Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) and Lafarge Group re-confirmed their global framework agreement GFA.

BWI, IndustriALL Global Union and Lafarge sign a new Global Framework Agreement

21 мая, 2013In 2013, the Global Union Federations of Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) and IndustriALL Global Union decide to sign a new Global Framework Agreement with Lafarge on corporate soci

Investor warning: risk shoppers turned off by Gap’s stand on Bangladesh safety deal

21 мая, 2013Investors warned, ahead of today’s Gap AGM, the company is out of touch on Bangladesh Safety Accord and risks shoppers’ anger. 40 leading worldwide retail brands have agreed to sign up to the safety deal but Gap, along with Walmart, has declined.

Trade union movement’s solidarity and unity in Latin America and the Caribbean

20 мая, 2013Delegates at the meeting of regional affiliates in Buenos Aires, Argentina, ended the meeting by raising IndustriALL’s banners and calling for international solidarity and regional unity.

Sustainable Industrial Policy launch

17 мая, 2013IndustriALL is launching an ambitious initiative on Sustainable Industrial Policy which aims to stimulate debate and action among affiliates and so promote a union perspective on the key sustainability issues for industry.

Zambian miners strike for wages

17 мая, 2013“Whilst we are happy with progress we are making in wage negotiations, we aslo want to see improvement in working conditions in the mines” said Joseph Chewe, General Secretary of MUZ.

FNV trade union award goes to Said Iqbal

16 мая, 2013This year’s FNV Febe Elizabeth Velasquez Award went to Indonesian trade union hero Said Iqbal. FNV Mondiaal will also screen the premiere of “Working Class Heroes”, a documentary uncovering the struggles of trade unionists in Indonesia and Colombia.

German metalworkers win major wage increase

16 мая, 2013In Germany workers of the metal and electrical industries, organized by IndustriALL affiliate IG Metall, win 5.6 per cent pay rise for the next 20 month period.

Set Edi Iriawadi Free!

16 мая, 2013Indonesian cement worker, Edi Iriawadi, was imprisoned after taking action to protect workers at Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa plant, which is part of the Heidelberg Cement Group, from intruders that entered the factory in September 2012. IndustriALL demands that Indonesian authorities and the company stop these violations.

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