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Showing 4871-4880 из 5692 results

12,000 Turkish textile workers on strike

15 августа, 2013IndustriALL Global Union’s Turkish affiliate Textile, Knitting and Clothing Industry Workers’ Union, Teksif, has gone on strike as of 15 August after sectorial level negotiations with the Turkish Textile Employers’ Federation have failed. The old agreement expired on April 1, 2013.

Shipbreakers die at ‘The Love Boat’ in Turkey

15 августа, 2013Two workers die and nine are injured in result of smoke inhalation while dismantling the MS Pacific ship also known as The Love Boat in Izmir, Turkey.

Bangladesh compensation meetings rescheduled

9 августа, 2013The two compensation meetings for the victims and their families of the tragedies of Tazreen and Rana Plaza in Bagladesh planned to be held on August 11 and 12, have been postponed until September.

Nupeng strike demands met

8 августа, 2013A three day warning strike in Nigeria’s Oil and Gas Sector in July was called off on the second day after the government intervened to set up two interministerial committees to address issues raised by the Nigerian Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers (Nupeng).

Day of demonstrations in Brazil to demand regulation of outsourcing

8 августа, 2013The Brazilian trade union centrals demonstrate against proposed new Law 4.330, which would make working conditions even more precarious than they are already. IndustriALL supports its affiliates in the fight against subcontracting in Brazil.

Accord delegation promotes implementation in Bangladesh

7 августа, 2013IndustriALL has joined with UNI Global Union and representatives of the brand signatories of the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh in a delegation to secure the support of employers, government and responsible authorities in Bangladesh for the Accord.

Wage agreement for South Africa’s textile sector

7 августа, 2013Southern African Clothing & Textile Workers' Union (SACTWU) has settled its national wage dispute in the cotton textile sector. As well as a 7% wage increase, the agreement also contains provisions for reducing carbon footprints.

Three years of persecution for Pakistani Syngenta workers

2 августа, 2013The long-standing, sustained attack on the local trade union of Swiss-based agrochemical multinational Syngenta in Pakistan has cost the company huge sums in legal fees, but management continues its ideological path of crushing the union at all costs.

Mass dismissals at Rio Tinto in Madagascar

31 июля, 2013The sharp decline in commodity prices in the international market is being felt in the mining sector in Madagascar, as Rio Tinto QMM’s subcontractor Omega plans to stop operations at Fort-Dauphin.

IndustriALL supports Tunisian affiliates' mobilization against political killing

31 июля, 2013After the general strike, in protest of the killing of opposition leader, Mohammed Brahmi, which was the second killing within six months, the General Union of Workers of Tunisia (UGTT) urged the government to resign.

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