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Showing 4811-4820 из 5692 results

Belarus Actions

8 октября, 2013Belhimprofsoyuz: on 17 September the IndustriALL Global Union affiliate Belhimprofsoyuz’s Presidium met and approved an Action Plan for the World Day for Decent Work around 7 October.

Czech Republic

8 октября, 2013OS KOVO has organized the following activities around the World Day for Decent Work:

Canada Actions

8 октября, 2013UNIFOR: On 7 October it will be newly formed UNIFOR’s first year marking WDDW. See Unifor’s 7 October statement, calling for a “Good Jobs Revolution” in Canada.

Croatia Actions

8 октября, 2013SMH-IS: On 3 October in conjunction with the World day for Decent Work (WDDW).  IndustriALL affiliate SMH-IS (Trade union of metal workers of Croatia – Industry trade union) held a press conference

Colombia Actions

8 октября, 2013The Global Glass Alliance of Unions at Owens Illinois which includes: United Steelworkers (USW), Unite of the UK and Ireland, Glass Molders, Pottery, Plastics and Allied Workers International Union

Denmark Actions

8 октября, 2013CO-Industri: Activities in Denmark against precarious employment are on going.

Sweden Actions

8 октября, 2013IF Metall: On 7 October IF Metall presented two new films on the importance of being a trade union member and about the national contract for temporary agency workers.

Engineers and IT workers meet at IG Metall

4 октября, 2013IG Metall organized its 5th Engineers and IT meeting from 24 to 26 September in Berlin. Some 300 people attended it. The theme of the conference was Cooperation.

One strike off one strike on for Numsa

3 октября, 2013A three week strike of fuel pump attendants represented by the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) has ended but a strike in the motor sector continues, now in its fourth week.

Bangladesh Safety Accord Publishes Unprecedented Wealth of Factory Data

3 октября, 2013Nearly 1,600 Factories and More than 2 Million Workers Are Covered by the Accord, with New Signers Still to Disclose Their Factories

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