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Showing 4781-4790 из 5692 results

IndustriALL-FO Final Workshop 'Training of Trainers'

16 октября, 2013A final workshop in the two-year joint project of IndustriALL and “Force Ouvrière” took place in Paris, France, on 30 September-4 October. The project 'training of trainers' was organized for the Trade Union of Mining and Metallurgy Workers of Ukraine.

Landmark judgement against Rio Tinto in Mongolian court

15 октября, 2013The Supreme Court in Mongolia has ordered Rio Tinto to reinstate an unfairly dismissed employee, as well as to pay compensation.

Russia Actions

15 октября, 2013Affiliates in Russia took part in pickets, rallies, and conferences on 7 October.

Kosovo Actions

15 октября, 2013On 7 October, for the World Day for Decent Work, IndustriALL affiliate, the Independent Trade Union of Metalworkers of Kosovo (SPMK) and the Independent Trade Union of Energy of Kosovain (SPEK) in

Colombia Actions

15 октября, 2013The Colombian National Centres CUT, CTC and CGT, called actions and rallies on 7 October to mark the World Day for Decent Work, workers from the Workers’ Trade Union attended with the IndustriALL f

Zimbabwe Actions

14 октября, 2013Zimbabwean affiliate, Newu and the recently merged Numaiz commemorated the World Day for Decent Work with a clean-up of a public space in Harare on Saturday the 12th of October 2013.

Belgium Actions

14 октября, 2013In Belgium, on the occasion of the World Day for Decent Work, the Fédération Générale du Travail de Belgique (FGTB) mobilized for the rights of workers in Qatar, who are experiencing countless ri

Georgia Actions

14 октября, 2013In conjunction with the World Day for Decent Work (WDDW) on 7 October 2013, Trade Union of Metallurgy, Mining and Chemical Industry Workers of Georgia mobilized the local trade union members at the entrance of the metallurgical factory of GTM Group and held a protest action in village Argveta, Zestafoni, Georgia.

Thousands protest against Crown Holdings

11 октября, 2013Trade unions across the globe express their solidarity with the locked out workers of Crown Holdings, the U.S. based multinational, tramping unabashedly on workers’ rights in Canada and Turkey.

New Zealand Actions

11 октября, 2013In New Zealand, IndustriALL affiliate, The Manufacturing & Construction Workers Union made it a point to stop the growth of precarious work through collective bargaining.

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