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Showing 4741-4750 из 5692 results

Burkina Faso Actions

31 октября, 2013In Burkina Faso, IndustriALL affiliate, the Fédération Nationale des Travailleurs du Textile, de l'Habillement et du Cuir – FNTTHC, took action against precarious work in SOFITEX, one of the larges

Russian oil and gas workers fight back attack on their rights

31 октября, 2013IndustriALL affiliate Russian Oil, Gas and Construction Workers Union (ROGWU) wins the battle for the workers’ right to set their union structure according to their own decision.

Cameroon Actions

31 октября, 2013IndustriALL affiliate in Cameroon, The Syndicat National Autonome des Travailleurs de l'Energie et de l'Eau du Cameroon (SYNATEEC), mobilized their members on 7 October on the occasion of the World

Japan Actions

31 октября, 2013This year the Japan Council of Metalworkers' Unions -JCM took action for the worldwide campaign to Stop Precarious Work on 25 October in Tokyo.

Strategy planning by global network at TATA Steel

31 октября, 2013Unions from TATA Steel’s operations in Asia recently met in Bangkok, Thailand. The participants used the opportunity to discuss strategy, challenges and opportunities in the region, as well as the next steps for the global network.

Unite reaches a deal with Ineos in Grangemouth

30 октября, 2013Unite the Union reports of an agreement concluded with the owners of Ineos according to which some 800 workers, Unite members, and their families will keep their jobs safe with Ineos at Grangemouth, Scotland.

Serious dispute at cardboard company in Honduras

29 октября, 2013IndustriALL has offered its solidarity to 70 members of its Honduran affiliate, the FITH. They were sacked for protesting at the anti-trade union actions taken by their employer, the Korean cardboard company, Corporación Cartonera 3j Fenix, located in Villanueva, a municipality in the department of Cortés. IndustriALL has called on the Ministry of Labour to intervene and resolve the dispute.

Nationwide strike in Indonesia announced for 31 October

28 октября, 2013Trade unions in Indonesia have announced a national strike on 31 October – 1 November. Workers demand a rise in minimum salary, implementation of health insurance and an end to outsourced precarious work.

Information Technology Agreement – countries are warned on consequences

25 октября, 2013IndustriALL Global Union, together with 163 other trade union and civil society organisations, are raising concerns over a proposed expansion of the Information Technology Agreement (“ITA II”) being negotiated at the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

STOP Precarious Work 2013

25 октября, 2013On the World Day for Decent Work (WDDW) on 7 October, IndustriALL affiliates mobilized around the world to draw attention to the negative impacts of precarious work. The campaign for better laws and collective agreements continues.

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