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IndustriALL intervenes in defence of sacked Berger Paint union leader in Bangladesh

17 марта, 2014Golgar Hussein, General Secretary of the Berger Paint Bangladesh Employees’ Union was sacked on 4 December 2013 for his trade union activities. IndustriALL and BCEF’s immediate intervention has not yet achieved his reinstatement. The action continues.

Workers rally in support of Rubén Darío Montoya Obando

17 марта, 2014On 14 March workers of Tenaris – Tubos Caribe demonstrated in front of the plant and marched to the centre of Cartagena. The goal of the protest was to denounce the lack of action by Tenaris – Tubos Caribe and the private insurance company to solve Rubén Darío Montoya Obando's situation.

UNI Holds Professionals and Managers’ Conference

14 марта, 2014On 10 and 11 March UNI organized a conference for professionals and managers (P & M) in Nyon, Switzerland. The situation still prevails that the resistance against organizing P & M’s has to be overcome. In the future most working people will not necessarily be managers but certainly professionals. If we want to continue to have unions in the future, we will need P & M’s. We must be able to organize P & M’s. There is no difference between UNI and IndustriALL in this area. In the meantime the limits between services and industry are no longer very clear-cut.

Unions and brands mount pressure on Cambodian government

14 марта, 2014Unions and brands are increasing pressure on the Cambodian government to address the demands of garment workers in the country.

Rana Plaza: Primark called on to pay up as launch date of payments announced

14 марта, 2014· 24th March announced as launch date for processing claims · Primark called upon to urgently pay into the Rana Plaza Trust Fund

Unions mark International Women’s Day

13 марта, 2014Unions are instrumental in promoting the rights of women in the workplace by fighting for gender equality and equal pay. In recognition of International Women’s Day on Saturday 8 March, IndustriALL affiliates around the world organized many different events to celebrate the occasion.

Protesting workers have had enough of bad management

13 марта, 2014For the last 15 years, management at PH Cooling Towers in Kolkata, India, has denied workers wage revision, resulting in distress and hardship for the workers and their families. Management’s response to the union’s demand for a wage revision was the dismissal of three workers. When the union organised a one-day token strike at Paharpur Cooling Towers on 26 February, management employed local goons and attacked three union activists.

Strikers in Kyrgyzstan could face 15 years in prison

13 марта, 2014Newly submitted amendments to the criminal code would mean that directors and staff of strategically important enterprises could be imprisoned for up to 15 years for failure or stoppage of production.

Challenges of unity building in the Philippines

13 марта, 2014When ITGLWF, ICEM and IMF merged to become IndustriALL Global Union, Philippine affiliates to the former GUFs were brought together under the same roof. But with as many as 17 IndustriALL affiliates covering different industries in the Philippines, building a culture of unity is a challenge.

Interim tribunal rules that Mark Lyon is ‘likely’ to get job back at Ineos

12 марта, 2014An interim tribunal said sacked Ineos worker and trade unionist Mark Lyon is ‘likely’ to get his job back when the case reaches the full hearing later on in the year. Petrochemical giant Ineos was also ordered to pay Mark Lyon full wages since February until the hearing.

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