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Showing 4521-4530 из 5694 results

IndustriALL affiliates build unity in Philippines

15 апреля, 2014After a long process and intensive debate Philippines´ affiliates are ready to start a three year project aiming to overcome their structural problems of fragmentation, low union density and lack of influence in defending workers’ interests in the political arena.

Brax “Feels Good” over labour rights violations at Lafem in Turkey

15 апреля, 2014IndustriALL Global Union and IG Metall call on German textile brand Brax to play instrumental role to stem labour rights violations in its major supplier Lafem in Turkey.

Exposing the ugly truth about Rio Tinto

15 апреля, 2014IndustriALL Global Union has produced a report released today; “Unsustainable: The Ugly Truth about Rio Tinto” highlighting the multinational’s global practices. And today, workers from numerous countries will stage a protest outside Rio Tinto’s AGM over the ugly truth behind its global operations.

Moroccan unions jointly protest austerity policy

14 апреля, 2014On 6 April the Moroccan trade union national centres UMT, CDT and FDT have staged a major march with some ten thousand of participants in Casablanca protesting against imposed by the government austerity plans.

Organizing displaced women in India

14 апреля, 2014Due to gender roles in many societies, women and girls often face threats and risks and they are less likely than men and boys to have access to their rights. These threats are particularly exacerbated in situations of displacement.

Brazilian workers call for more rights and greater equality

14 апреля, 201440,000 workers from different sectors of the economy took to the streets of Sao Paulo on 9 April to demonstrate and press the government and the national congress to negotiate the labour movement’s agenda. Unions affiliated to different trade union centrals jointly organised the march.

Energy Unions lay out roadmap “Towards Sustainable, Social and Safe Energy Policies”

12 апреля, 2014Attending IndustriALL Global Union’s World Conference for the Energy Industries, some 250 union leaders from 45 countries adopted an ambitious and vibrant plan of action for the next four years reinforcing unity and fighting back against similar anti-worker tactics throughout the world.

Voices of resistance to Rio Tinto converge in London

11 апреля, 2014Labour and civil society must work together to force Rio Tinto to live by its claim to be a socially responsible company.

Hard won victory for workers at Vidriera de San Potosí in Mexico

10 апреля, 2014Thirty-three workers have won an important victory in their fight for reinstatement at Vidriera de San Luis Potosí. The company, which dismissed hundreds of workers in 2008 for forming an independent trade union, makes bottles for the export beer brand Corona Extra and is a subsidiary of Grupo Modelo-AB InBev.

International campaign helps to free two more Kazakh oil workers

10 апреля, 2014Under the pressure of the international community two out of seven imprisoned workers were released. Three, including the only woman, Roza Tuletaeva, were alleviated of their conditions of imprisonment. They were transferred to the colony-settlement. However two people, Shabdan Utkilov and Kanat Zhusipbaev so far remain in jail.

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