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Showing 4371-4380 из 5694 results

Namibian tannery workers back at work

18 июля, 2014The strike at Nakara Tannery in Windhoek has ended and workers returned to their stations on 11 July 2014 after an agreement was reached between the employer and the Metal and Allied Namibian Workers Union (Manwu).

EC Project on Organizing ICT, Electrical & Electronics Workers: Training Session in Taiwan-R.O.C.

18 июля, 2014ICT, Electrical & Electronics unions in Taiwan discuss and learn about the importance of organizing unorganized workers and actively discussed how to strengthen their own union cooperation.

Unions reject disastrous Peruvian reforms

18 июля, 2014Unions in Peru are fighting to stop a harmful package of economic incentives from becoming law. The proposed measures are aimed at attracting foreign investment and boosting growth at the expense of workplace health and safety and the environment.

Violence, Blood and Tears Must Stop in Gaza, says IndustriALL Global Union

17 июля, 2014IndustriALL Global Union joins the global union movement and international community in calls for an immediate ceasefire as the violence in Gaza continues and the death toll escalates.

More action needed from Bangladesh Government

17 июля, 2014The Bangladesh government must dramatically increase efforts to create a safe and sustainable garment industry, says IndustriALL Global Union in the wake of a damning evaluation of the Sustainability Compact.

Hugo González Chirico’s health deteriorates after 60 days on hunger strike

17 июля, 2014Hugo González Chirico, president of the CEPAR Workers’ Cooperative (Cootrapar) and FETRAMPAR, affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union, has now completed two months on hunger strike but his health has significantly deteriorated. His children, Hugo and Rolando González, said he is only taking water and that he is now very weak.

Scrapping of European maternity leave directive an affront to women

17 июля, 2014IndustriALL Global Union together with IndustriAll European Trade Union has appealed to the new President of the European Commission to prioritize the rights of working women as the Commission ditches a proposal to improve maternity rights.

UK glass workers’ strike wins pay deal

16 июля, 2014Unite the Union members at Tyneside Safety Glass in Gateshead, England, went on strike for three weeks in response to management’s miserly wage offer in June and July. The workers’ action won a good new contract and members returned to work on 14 July.

Liberian union commits to intensify organizing

16 июля, 2014United Workers Union of Liberia (Uwul) intends to make more resources available for organizing and recruiting workers in new and ununionized workplaces.

iPhone 6 supplier NXP ramps up intimidation and delaying tactics

16 июля, 2014NXP Semiconductors, the billion-dollar electronics manufacturer, is further intimidating workers and using delaying tactics to break trade union demands to reinstate 24 illegally fired workers in the Philippines.

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