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Showing 4181-4190 из 5696 results

Metalworkers face union busting in Russia

13 ноября, 2014Russian pipeline fittings manufacturer, OAO Turbodetal, is getting rid of union activists trying to negotiate better pay and working conditions at its production plant in Chelyabinsk. 

Global unions dismiss Cambodian 128 USD wage as inadequate

12 ноября, 2014IndustriALL Global Union, UNI Global Union and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) dismiss today’s decision by the Cambodian government to set a minimum wage of US$128 a month for the garment sector as inadequate. 

Filipino trade unions set to boost organizing campaigns

11 ноября, 2014IndustriALL Global Union Philippines affiliates participated in the training on how to conduct organizing campaigns.

Colombian trade unionist Darío Cárdenas acquitted and released

10 ноября, 2014After spending one year and three days in detention as a result of a campaign calling for the nationalization of the Rubiales oil field, Darío Cárdenas, vice-president of the Meta branch of the Colombian oil workers’ union, Unión Sindical Obrera (USO), has been released from custody. 

Strengthening young workers and women in Mexican unions

7 ноября, 2014The fourth seminar of the IndustriALL LAC Regional Education and Strengthening of Trade Unions Project for Young Workers was held in Mexico City on 20 – 21 October 2014. Delegates discussed the violence suffered by young workers and the degree of state repression against all those who try to organise themselves to demand their rights.

Let’s talk about Holcim

6 ноября, 2014Watch this IndustriALL video about the violations committed in India by the world’s largest cement producer, Holcim. 

Deva Holdings must stop attacking its workers in Turkey

6 ноября, 2014IndustriALL Global Union is campaigning against the third largest pharmaceutical company in Turkey, Deva Holdings. The multinational company is guilty of union busting the IndustriALL affiliate Petrol-Is.

Desperate workers announce hunger strike in Belarus

6 ноября, 2014On 5 November four fired workers of Bobruisk Factory of Tractor Parts and Units (BZTDiA) announced a two-day hunger strike in their desperate bid to find justice, one week after their arbitrary dismissal.

Time to even it up!

4 ноября, 2014In January 2014, an Oxfam report put the spotlight on the staggering inequality of wealth – the richest 85 people in the world possess the same amount of wealth as the world’s poorest 50 per cent.

Cementing union power at Dow Chemical

4 ноября, 2014American and European trade unions shared their common concerns at the Dow North American Labor Council (DNALC) Meeting in Pennsylvania, USA on 14 October.

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