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Showing 3801-3810 из 5699 results

Pakistani PCEM victory against precarious work at Shell

12 августа, 2015A two-year struggle at the oil and gas multinational Shell in Pakistan has ended in 300 permanent contracts for IndustriALL members.

Kenyan unions prioritize organizing

11 августа, 2015Affiliates in Kenya and the Central Organization of Trade Unions (COTU) pledged support for the project on aimed at organizing, addressing precarious work and advocating for better occupational health and safety.

Ugandan affiliates boost organizing

10 августа, 2015A national level training on organizing focused on occupational health and safety and precarious work as the tools for organizing took place on 30 and 31 July 2015 at Kampala, Uganda in Lavanda Hotel.

IndustriALL trains women leaders in Myanmar

10 августа, 201520 years after the Beijing Declaration on women’s economic rights and independence women still face economic inequality in many parts of the world. On 26 and 27 July 2015, IndustriALL Global Union organized leadership training for women together with the Central Confederation of Trade Unions in Myanmar (CTUM).

IndustriALL in Myanmar

6 августа, 2015For decades there were no functioning industrial relations in Myanmar, no trade unions and no collective bargaining. As the country is opening up and welcoming international business, trade unions are working hard to achieve a living wage for members.

IndustriALL in solidarity with SITRAMINA members in Peru

6 августа, 2015Trade union representatives met with copper company Antapaccay S.A management on 24 July in Lima to discuss the company’s anti-trade union practices. The union is demanding Antapaccay to respect union rights and the freedom of association, but the meeting ended without any significant progress.

AFL-CIO awards TUCOSWA Human Rights Award

4 августа, 2015The George Meany-Lane Kirkland Human Rights Award in 2015 recognizes the courage and persistence of Swaziland’s workers in demanding their rights in one of the world’s most autocratic countries.

Sri Lankan affiliates intensify coordinated organizing in Free Trade Zones

31 июля, 2015IndustriALL Global Union and its major trade union affiliates in Sri Lanka are planning coordinatad organizing drives in the tough environments of Free Trade Zones, where workers’ rights are systematically treated with less importance than profit.

Works Councils discuss labour relations at German chemical companies in China

31 июля, 2015Leading officials of IndustriALL Global Union’s German affiliate IG BCE (Mining, Chemical and Energy Workers’ Union) analyze labour relations in China through an Industry Forum.

Pakistani union NTUF condemns sacking of 24 textile workers

31 июля, 2015IndustriALL Global Union affiliate in Pakistan, the NTUF is raising the case of an illegal sacking of 24 textile workers by FKN Textile near capital Karachi. The workers were sacked so that management could replace them with new employees on lower pay.

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