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Showing 3771-3780 из 5699 results

Vietnam raises minimum wage 12.4%

10 сентября, 2015IndustriALL Global Union welcomes the latest minimum wage increase by Vietnam’s National Wage Council. Coming into effect on 1 January 2016 the 12.4 per cent raise continues the country’s road to a living wage.

Hundreds of women trade unionists gather for world conference in Vienna

9 сентября, 2015Some 300 women trade unionists from over 60 countries are gathering in Vienna, Austria for IndustriALL Global Union’s first-ever Women World Conference. 

Japanese union leaders reiterate government demand to ratify Hong Kong Convention

9 сентября, 2015On 9 September, the Japan Federation of Basic Industry Workers' Unions, JBU, met with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, MILT.

German retailer KiK must pay promised compensation to Pakistani factory fire victims

9 сентября, 2015On the third anniversary of Pakistan’s worst-ever industrial disaster, global unions IndustriALL and UNI, together with the Clean Clothes Campaign, are calling on a major German retailer to honour its promise to provide long-term compensation to victims. 

Chinese oil company attacks workers in Kyrgyzstan

9 сентября, 2015In an unprecedented union busting attack Chinese-owned oil company Zhongda, operating in Kyrgyzstan, has fired an elected trade union leader and blocked his access to the company in violation of the national legislation. Together with LabourStart IndustriALL is launching a campaign to reinstate the union leader and stop union busting.

IndustriALL in the CIS region - unified front against attacks on workers' rights

7 сентября, 2015IndustriALL has 50 affiliates in the CIS region. In a region torn by political conflicts and attacks on workers’ rights, working together is the key to successful trade unions. Unity was a central theme to the discussions at IndustriALL’s sub-regional meeting in Moldova on 3 – 4 September.  

Millions of workers strike in India

3 сентября, 2015Millions of workers from all sectors joined India’s largest strike on 2 September. Demonstrators were protesting against proposed labour reforms which will in practice make it easier to fire workers.

Thousands of workers rally for new wage in Indonesia

3 сентября, 2015Around 35,000 workers took to the streets of Jakarta on 1 September to demand a new minimum wage for 2016 and improved labour laws. Indonesia’s main trade union centres, KSPI, KSPSI, and KSBSI are asking that the government increase their efforts to protect the interests of the people.

Strike victory at Volkswagen and Mercedes Benz - 1,550 jobs saved

3 сентября, 2015Thanks to the strikes organized by Volkswagen and Mercedes Benz workers in Brazil and to national and international solidarity, the two companies have agreed to reinstate dismissed workers. When workers unite and fight for their rights, they can achieve their goals.

Georgian workers demand justice

2 сентября, 2015After a destructive neo-liberal period in the 2000s, the new Georgian government has introduced some improvements on workers’ rights, but there is still a long road ahead. IndustriALL’s leadership recently visited the country to support the active campaigns of its three affiliates and the Georgian Trade Union Confederation (GTUC) on organizing, collective bargaining and health and safety.

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