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Showing 3591-3600 из 5699 results

Online course on Workers´ Rights in a Global Economy

20 января, 2016Want to deepen your knowledge on workers' rights in the global economy? The Global Labour University offers an online course open for everyone with an interest in the issue and the instruments that can be used to realize the rights.

3,700 mine workers under threat in Georgia

20 января, 2016An IndustriALL Global Union affiliate in Georgia has launched a campaign in support of 3,700 workers at a manganese ore mine, following news that the mine will be shut down for four months.

ITUC report exposes hidden workforce in supply chains

19 января, 2016A new report by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) has revealed a hidden workforce of 116 million people working in the global supply chains of only 50 companies.

Crown Holdings urged to commit to OECD guidelines

18 января, 2016In its final statement, the U.S. National contact point (USNCP) for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, recommends that Crown Holdings, Inc. should “explicitly commit itself to implementing the Guidelines” to ensure workers’ rights are respected.

Indonesian garment unions set for organizing drive

15 января, 2016IndustriALL Global Union Indonesian garment and textile affiliates, Garteks and SPN, are actively preparing for an intensive year of organizing in 2016. 

Cambodia: garment workers killed on their way to work

14 января, 2016Five people were killed and at least 68 more were injured when two trucks carrying workers collided in Cambodia's Kompong Spue province on 12 January.

What is industry 4.0?

14 января, 2016The world of manufacturing is about to undergo a seismic shift. According to some, we are experiencing a fourth industrial revolution that will transform the way things are made. And the impact on workers will be huge.

INTERVIEW: Hashmeya Alsaadawe

14 января, 2016Hashmeya Alsaadawe is president of IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the General Union of Electricity Workers and Technicians in Basra (GUEWT), and a member of IndustriALL’s Executive Committee representing workers in the Middle East and North Africa. In 2003, she became the first woman in Iraq to be voted leader of a national union, and is believed to be the first woman to lead a union anywhere in the Arabic-speaking world.

Alcoa – forcing crew off ship in Australia and closing plants in the US

14 января, 2016In the middle of the night on 13 January, 30 security guards boarded the Alcoa motor vessel Portland to remove five union crewmembers and escort foreign seafarers on to the ship that immediately left for Singapore.

IndustriALL solidarity for Somali union leader after assassination attempt

7 января, 2016An important leader in Somalia’s independent trade union movement, Omar Faruk, closely escaped gunshots from three hit men outside the FESTU union office in Mogadishu on 29 December.

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