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IndustriALL Sub-Sahara Africa Regional Executive meets in Accra

3 мая, 2016More than 50 participants from 19 unions attended an extended IndustriALL Global Union Sub-Saharan Regional Executive Committee (REXCO) meeting in Accra, Ghana on 21 April. 

Ericsson global trade union network meets for the first time

29 апреля, 2016Over 40 participants from 15 countries took part in the first meeting of the Ericsson global trade union network, organized by IndustriALL Global Union and UNI Global Union in Nyon, Switzerland on 26-27 April.

Nuclear unions commemorate 30th anniversary of Chernobyl disaster

28 апреля, 2016IndustriALL Global Union and its affiliate, the Nuclear Power and Industry Workers Union of Ukraine, held the International Nuclear Workers’ Union Network (INWUN) meeting in Kiev, Ukraine to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the tragedy at Chernobyl.

Today, we remember the dead and fight for the living

28 апреля, 201628 April is International Day to Commemorate Dead and Injured Workers. The day is celebrated around the world, and is also called International Workers’ Memorial Day, the Day of Mourning, or World Day for Safety and Health at Work.

Steel workers in Trinidad and Tobago stand up and fight for their rights

28 апреля, 2016Steel workers in the Caribbean island of Trinidad and Tobago are standing up and fighting for their jobs and their rights in the midst of the steel crisis gripping the country.

African women stand up for better conditions

26 апреля, 201636 women delegates from IndustriALL affiliates in Sub-Saharan region gathered in Accra, Ghana to discuss challenges faced by women of the region and the ways to overcome them.

Bangladesh unions take forward demand for living wage

26 апреля, 2016In a national workshop on the living wage held on 22 and 23 April 2016 in Dhaka, Bangladeshi unions resolved to intensify their campaign for a living wage.

Workers demand justice on third anniversary of Rana Plaza collapse

26 апреля, 2016On 24 April, workers in Bangladesh and Pakistan remembered the dead and demanded improved factory safety, and punishment to those responsible for the garment factory tragedy in Bangladesh three years ago. 

Chernobyl workers also needed Just Transition

25 апреля, 2016As we commemorate the Chernobyl nuclear disaster 30 years ago, we remember all the deaths and illnesses caused by radiation, but also those thousands of workers who needed Just Transition as the power plant closed down.

Experts to boost trade union rights in Inditex supply chain

25 апреля, 2016Brussels, Trade union experts are being designated to reinforce workers’ rights in the supply chain of the world’s largest fashion retailer, Inditex, in an agreement signed with IndustriALL Global Union today. 

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