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Showing 3151-3160 из 5700 results

India - IndustriALL affiliates share organizing strategies

6 декабря, 2016IndustriALL South Asia office held a series of events in November 2016 to build union organizing initiatives and inform women trade union leaders on legal processes related to sexual harassment at the workplace. 

Workers mobilize globally against LafargeHolcim human rights’ violations

6 декабря, 2016Workers at LafargeHolcim are holding a global day of action in advance of the 10 December International Human Rights Day to draw attention to the world’s largest cement maker’s widespread violations of workers’ rights.

IndustriALL builds presence in the Caribbean

6 декабря, 2016An IndustriALL Caribbean regional council has been created to strengthen ties between unions and IndustriALL's presence in the sub-region.

Italian metalworkers reach a new national collective agreement

2 декабря, 2016On 26 November, after 13 months of negotiations and a 20-hour strike, a new provisional national collective agreement has been reached between IndustriALL affiliates FIOM-CGIL, FIM-CISL and UILM-UIL and the employers’ associations Federmeccanica / Assistal, thus ending an era of separate agreements.

Nicaragua: labour conflict criminalized as protesting workers found guilty

2 декабря, 2016In a case that sets a disturbing precedent, twelve workers have been found guilty on a range of charges after a labour conflict escalated in a free trade zone.

Chevron workers in Bangladesh protest against layoffs

2 декабря, 2016Chevron, one of the world’s major oil corporations and the biggest foreign direct investor in Bangladesh, has dismissed 145 workers in its Bangladesh operations, as the company plans to sell its assets in the country.

EU must address Sri Lanka’s labour violations before granting trade preferences, says IndustriALL

2 декабря, 2016IndustriALL Global Union, Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) are calling on the European Union to adopt a roadmap to improve labour rights in Sri Lanka before the country can benefit from preferential access to European markets.

Massive global support for #KoreaGeneralStrike

1 декабря, 2016Global support for the general strike in Korea shows trade union solidarity reaches far and wide. Korean unions are under heavy attack from the government and unions and workers around the world have responded in force.

Unions in Burkina Faso and Senegal fight back against precarious work

1 декабря, 2016The lives of hundreds of precarious workers have been dramatically improved by unions after they were regularized and organized in a campaign against precarious work.

Lesotho: unions demonstrate to save AGOA

1 декабря, 2016IndustriALL Global Union affiliate the Independent Democratic Union of Lesotho (IDUL) joined civil society organizations in a demonstration in the capital, Maseru, on Sunday 27 November 2016 to demand a return to the rule of law.

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