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Showing 2731-2740 из 5704 results

SACTWU protests in defense of local manufacturing

6 ноября, 2017On 4 November, Southern African Clothing & Textile Workers’ Union (SACTWU), affiliated to IndustriALL, organized a nationwide protest against clothing giants H&M and Zara.

Cleaners in Mauritius gain hard-earned victory

3 ноября, 2017Eight people on hunger strike in Mauritius shone a light on the starvation wages earned by cleaners of public schools in the country. Backed by massive local and international support, the union has managed to secure permanent employment for the workers in question.

Thousands protest to demand better wages in Bulgaria

2 ноября, 2017Some 10,000 Bulgarian workers flooded the streets of Sofia on 27 October demanding decent incomes and workers’ rights. Members of the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CITUB) from all over the country joined the march to the Council of Ministers.

Pulp and paper sector makes plans to strengthen unions in Latin America

2 ноября, 2017More than 40 workers from the region’s pulp and paper sector met on 25-26 October in São Paulo, Brazil, to draft an action plan to strengthen trade unions in the sector.

IndustriALL Global Union highlights struggles in materials industries

2 ноября, 2017IndustriALL Global Union prepared a special report analysing developments in the materials’ industries and describing union activities and campaigns over the last four years.

Aussie unions fight contractor's cuts at gas plant

2 ноября, 2017Oil and gas giant ExxonMobil/Esso is allowing a contractor, UGL to cut wages and conditions by up to 30 per cent and introduce harsh anti-family rosters for workers in Victoria, Australia. In response, the workers are protesting outside the Longford gas plant in south-eastern Victoria 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.

Indonesian Human Rights Commission calls for reinstatement of Grasberg workers

2 ноября, 2017The National Commission on Human Rights in Indonesia has found that the sacking of thousands of workers at Freeport’s Grasberg mine in Papua was a violation of human rights and is recommending the reinstatement of the workers. 

Cement workers launch global union network at HeidelbergCement

2 ноября, 2017Union delegates representing workers at HeidelbergCement, the world's second biggest cement and construction materials producer, have created a global trade union network.

Shipbuilders and shipbreakers pledge solidarity in Rotterdam

2 ноября, 201757 delegates from 18 countries met in Rotterdam, The Netherlands on 31 October and 1 November for the IndustriALL shipbuilding and shipbreaking action group.

Bangladesh: Garment unions trained for effective implementation of GFAs

1 ноября, 201762 trade union representatives, including 25 women union leaders, from various garment factories in Bangladesh participated in a training programme on the implementation of IndustriALL’s Global Framework Agreements with H&M, Inditex and Tchibo, in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

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