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Showing 1121-1130 из 5694 results

REPORT: Latin American unions look for ways to push for reindustrialization

7 мая, 2021IndustriALL affiliates in Latin America and the Caribbean have come up with a sector-based political and union agenda to promote regional reindustrialization, focusing on sustainable development and ensuring a fair transition to a low-carbon economy

IndustriALL condemns violence in Colombia

6 мая, 2021The people of Colombia are victims of police repression for demonstrating in the streets. Together with global union federations, IndustriALL rejects the armed violence against the country’s citizens, which has led to disappearances, arrests, injuries and deaths.

SPECIAL REPORT: Campaigning for safer working conditions in Zimbabwe’s artisanal and small-scale mining

6 мая, 2021Campaigns by trade unions, civil society organizations and mine affected communities for the formalization of artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) are meant to end the deadly working conditions of the miners in Zimbabwe. In addition, formalization will introduce decent working conditions.

LafargeHolcim, make a concrete commitment to workers’ rights!

3 мая, 2021It is shameful that at a company producing concrete, a solid building material, workers’ interests and lives are falling through the cracks.

PROFILE: Shipbreaking workers’ union moves forward in India

3 мая, 2021The Alang Sosiya Ship Recycling and General Workers Association (ASSRGWA) is a successful example of organizing India’s informal sector workers. The union has contributed to improving wages, social security measures and occupational health and safety (OHS), in what is often called the world’s most dangerous industry. 

DRC unions confront challenges of supply chain due diligence

2 мая, 2021The virtual OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains on 27-28 April brought together representatives from government, business, and civil society, including trade unions, providing insights into the complexities of the supply chains ecosystems and the implementation of the OECD due diligence for multinational companies.

Union wins wage increase for workers in Armenia

29 апреля, 2021Strikes at two mining companies in Armenia have resulted in wage increase and improved health and safety.

IndustriALL and Renault sign first global agreement on telework in the industry

29 апреля, 2021IndustriALL and French car manufacturer Renault signed an important addendum to the global framework agreement from 2019, specifying conditions for remote work in a rapidly changing world of work.

PROFILE: Supporting Sweden’s pulp and paper workers

28 апреля, 2021Compared to other Swedish unions, Pappers is relatively small and only organize workers in one industry. But the 13,500 members represent around 95 per cent of all workers in Sweden’s pulp factories and paper mills.

Philippines: union leaders reinstated

28 апреля, 2021After fighting union busting at a Lululemon supplier in the Philippines, eight union leaders unfairly dismissed in 2019 and 2020, have been reinstated and a collective agreement has been negotiated.

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