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Showing 6371-6380 из 6755 results


21 февраля, 2008Union says the situation of approximately 2,500 contract workers must be resolved. Their poor working conditions would improve substantially if the company employed them directly.

Turkish shipyard strikers arrested

27 февраля, 2008Police arrest 70 workers striking for health and safety improvements at the Tuzla shipyard where 18 workers have been killed in the last seven months.

Identity and whereabouts of miners in Casapalca accident unknown

29 февраля, 2008Two workers suffered an accident at the Casapalca mine in Peru, but the company has not released any information about the incident. The CNMM has asked the government to conduct an exhaustive investigation.

Aerospace agreements secure record improvements

3 марта, 2008IAM members at eight Lockheed Martin facilities in the U.S. ratify three new agreements securing significant increases in retirement benefits and pay.

IMF endorses meeting of gay, lesbian trade unionists

14 октября, 2002A world conference to fight discrimination based on sexual orientation and other forms of discrimination will convene in Sydney.

IMF salutes Lula's victory

27 октября, 2002In a congratulatory message to the newly-elected Brazilian president, the International Metalworkers' Federation pledges its support.

Deal at International Truck and Engine

29 октября, 2002UAW members ratify contract by a 55-45 per cent margin.

USWA website exposes inside information on AK Steel

6 ноября, 2002The United Steelworkers of America (USWA) has launched InsideAK.org, a website dedicated to providing investors and other stakeholders with reliable, independent and up-to-date information about AK Steel Corporation.

Italian metal unions step up demands concerning Fiat

12 ноября, 2002The IMF fully supports its affiliates and says the Italian automaker's strategy of mass layoffs is unacceptable and lacks a long-term plan for its employees. A general strike is planned for November 15.

Australian government's "war" on carworkers

24 ноября, 2002Government is working with major car and car components companies to destroy the bargaining strength of workers in the Australian car industry.

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