14 die in coal mining explosion in Mexico9 мая, 2011IMF joins Mexican Miners' Union's call for better health and safety at mines in Mexico and punishment of companies and government authorities after 14 die in a coal mine explosion in Mexico on May 3.
Deterioration of the trade union rights situation in Mexico10 мая, 2011The Tribunal on Trade Union Freedom in Mexico has issued a new resolution describing a deterioration in the freedom of association situation and an increase in state violence.
Metalworkers build communicators' network in Africa11 мая, 2011Representatives of IMF affiliated trade unions from Central and South Africa gathered for a communicators' forum to discuss how they can improve communication work in their region and their national unions.
Building union strength in Mexico14 мая, 2011Strengthening independent and democratic trade unions in Mexico was the focus of a four day IMF planning workshop held in Mexico City from May 10 to 13, 2011.
EMF, EMCEF and EPSU condemn Honeywell lockout in the U.S.16 мая, 2011European labour federations show solidarity to locked out Honeywell workers in the U.S. and send letter to the company CEO demanding a return to work and a full agreement with United Steelworkers.
Unions work globally to resolve workplace problems at Volvo trucks13 мая, 2011A global network meeting of unions representing workers at Volvo trucks held in Sweden in May enables unions from around the world to resolve local workplace problems.
Building union networks - a priority for Mechanical Engineering23 мая, 2011Mechanical engineering conference identifies sub-sectors as area for future work, starting with machinery for construction and mining, and agricultural machinery.
Duma approves the bill banning precarious work23 мая, 2011Russian Duma passes the bill banning precarious work in the first reading. Second and third readings are to follow.
IMF debates trade union education for young workers in Latin America and the Caribbean.23 мая, 2011A meeting was held in Uruguay to discuss a project to organize and train young workers in Latin America and the Caribbean.