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Showing 5611-5620 из 6755 results

There is justice, after all.

5 марта, 2000

There is justice, nevertheless

5 марта, 2000The IMF General Secretary describes his reaction upon learning that Pinochet had returned home.

Social charter for Faber-Castell

6 марта, 2000IG Metall has signed an agreement with the German multinational which guarantees minimum social standards.

Workplace accidents can be prevented

13 марта, 2000Reacting to the coal mine disaster in Ukraine, the IMF says trade unions must ensure priority is given to occupational health and safety.

IAM expresses reservations<br>on admitting China to WTO

3 июня, 1999The union has warned the Clinton Administration that it will oppose any World Trade Organisation accession agreement with China.

IMF NewsBriefs will replace IMF Fax News

3 июня, 1999News items will be grouped every week or two into an IMF NewsBriefs.

"Withdraw the arrest warrants!"

8 июня, 1999Marcello Malentacchi has written to the Korean President with two urgent requests.

Week of action<br>in support of strike

9 июня, 1999In June, 21-27 trade unions worldwide are mobilising their members in support of the striking workers at Continental General Tire in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.

Big Three talks begin

16 июня, 1999The UAW has set job security and outsourcing as key issues for this year's simultaneous bargaining with the automakers.

Toxic waste dumping in Asia

20 сентября, 1999Trade unions and environmentalists have joined forces in a challenge to dirty shipbreaking in Asia.

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