Union leader released26 июля, 1999The President of the Korean Metal Workers' Federation (KMWF) was arrested and put in prison on July 3. On July 23 he was released.
Sex issues at union's conference27 июля, 1999The Canadian Autoworkers Union, CAW, will organise a National Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Conference next year.
IMF shocked<br>over Nobel nomination13 октября, 1999An NGO puts forward the names of Ecuador's and Peru's presidents as nominees for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Kvaerner to layoff<br>3,000 workers14 октября, 1999Due to the current market situation, the multinational conglomerate will reduce its payroll.
Organising the informal sector -<br>We must face the challenge19 октября, 1999The growing informal sector is posing a serious threat to the whole industrial relations system and all sectors of the economy are concerned, including the metal industry.
Action day for shipbuilding2 ноября, 1999The theme of the November 5 joint European trade union campaign is "Work for the Shipyards: A Future for Europe".
The Socialist International - Where is it going?10 ноября, 1999It is surprising and disappointing that the Congress of the SI completely ignored the role of the trade unions.
The Socialist International<br>ignores the trade unions10 ноября, 1999It looks as though the Socialist International (SI) does not want contact with the international trade unions anymore, writes IMF General Secretary Marcello Malentacchi in his new column under IMF Opinion on this website.
IMF regional meeting<br>on Matsushita14 ноября, 1999Trade unionists representing unions organising Matsushita workers gather for the Regional Matsushita Council Meeting for Asia and the Pacific.
Workers protest in Skopje24 февраля, 2000The IMF-affiliated metalworkers in Macedonia are planning a major demonstration of their discontent.