IMF Africa learns about labour struggles and development plans in Guinea19 апреля, 2011During a mission to Conackry, Guinea early in April 2011, a representative of IMF Africa met with union leadership and shop stewards of Forum intersyndical des societes minieres et industrielles de Guinée (FISMIG) and visited some of the organized plants in order to better understand the labour movement in Guinea and challenges facing workers and the union.
UN meeting addresses hazards in electronic products15 апреля, 2011Taking steps to reduce hazards related to electronics products, a United Nations meeting in Vienna, gathering more than 100 experts from around the world, made recommendations for a UN process on reducing hazardous chemicals in the lifecycle of electronics.
Swaziland pro-democracy struggle continues21 апреля, 2011April 12 marks the day that Swaziland declared a state of emergency in 1973, which is still ongoing 38 years later, making it one of the world's longest running state of emergencies. It has been used to suspend the human rights and political freedom of the Swazi people and includes a ban on political parties. April 12, 2011 was chosen by pro-democracy campaigners for mass protests. Yet the protests planned for three days from the April 12 faced brutal crackdown by Swaziland security forces on anti-government protestors.
Workers confronted with union busting at Vale22 июня, 2011Workers at Vale Coal Colombia, an affiliate of the Brazilian mining giant, met with persecution after organizing in the Sintramienergética union. IMF has sent a formal letter of protest to Vale Colombia.
Strengthening union communications in Asia and the Pacific23 июня, 2011Participants at an IMF regional communicators' forum for Asia Pacific, held in Seoul, welcome plans for a new regional journal and contribute to strengthening IMF and union communication in the region.
Strike at Bosch Curitiba ends29 июня, 2011Metalworkers in Curitiba reach agreement with Bosch on profit-sharing.
Rights' violations reported in Korean National Assembly25 июня, 2011During his visit to the National Assembly of Korea as part of a numerous delegation of trade unions and progressive political parties IMF Assistant General Secretary, Fernando Lopes reported about increasing workers' rights abuses in Korea.
Union rights under attack in Kyrgyzstan28 июня, 2011The management of Altynken LLC, a company exploiting the third largest gold mine in Kyrgyzstan, responded to the creation of a union by dismissing its newly elected president and creating an alternative structure, controlled by the management. The IMF has sent letters of protest to the executive director of Altynken and Kyrgyz authorities.
KMWU calls for urgent solidarity support30 июня, 2011Dramatic developments take place in Korea at Hanjin Heavy Industries shipyard and Yuseong Piston Ring. Private security forces and riot police forced out protesters from the shipyard and the police issued arrest warrants for Yuseong Piston Ring union leaders who in sign of protest have started a hunger strike in the Buddhist Jogye Temple in Seoul.