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Showing 5301-5310 из 6755 results

Openness, democracy and participation of all

26 мая, 2009The new IMF General Secretary, Jyrki Raina, states that the International Metalworkers' Federation will have one policy - the IMF Action Programme for 2009 to 2013.

Stop exploitation of shipbreaking workers

26 мая, 2009IMF and EMF call for a new independent authority to govern ship breaking

Renowned social activist assassinated in Mexico

3 июня, 2009The international labour community mourns the death of labour and human rights defender, Dr. Manual Arroyo Galván, and calls for an immediate and transparent investigation.

IMF argues against job losses at OECD Steel Committee

11 июня, 2009Employers were slow to reward employees during peak demand but have quickly tried to claw back benefits as a result of the current crisis, states IMF.

Workers call on ILO to improve rights of precarious workers

17 июня, 2009At a side event to the International Labour Conference, unions showed how precarious workers are being systematically denied their rights to organize and bargain collectively.

IMF's Union Roadshow screened at film festival

18 июня, 2009The third annual Geneva Labour Film Shorts Festival debuted fourteen films made by, for and about unions.

2.4 Fundamental workers´ rights denied

19 июня, 2009

2.5 Spreading influence of Transnational Corporations

19 июня, 2009

IMF - the last twenty years

6 апреля, 2009Page 04

Climate Change- Taking the power back

14 апреля, 2009Metal unions meet in Australia to craft strategy for enhanced engagement in the climate change debate in preparation for Copenhagen 2009.

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