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Showing 5291-5300 из 6755 results

Mercosur unions seek quality employment

18 июля, 2008Metalworker unions from Mercosur countries examine the impact of trade liberalisation on industrial production and development and the need for advancing labour and social provisions in trade agreements at a seminar this week.

IMF contributes to NAMA and GATS workshop

17 октября, 2006Understanding the impact of trade agreements on development, employment and decent work and developing trade union capacity to influence the outcome of trade negotiations was the subject of the workshop.

Bomb explodes at Brazilian metalworkers union office and death threat made to union leader

7 июня, 2007The President of the Taubaté Metalworkers Union has received a death threat after a bomb exploded at the union office on Tuesday night.

Korean metalworkers strike against FTA

25 июня, 2007Unions in South Korea and the U.S. take action against Korea-US free trade agreement, including strike action by KMWU.

Union gains as Hyundai India strike ends

8 мая, 2009Management will respond to the union's Charter of Demands, jailed strikers are released and will return to work and disciplinary suspension of 20 strike organizers is withdrawn.

Union repression in Korea is among the worst in the world

9 мая, 2009The International Metalworkers´ Federation is calling on the Korean government to end labour rights abuses in Korea and bring the country´s labour laws in line with core labour standards so that all workers enjoy the rights to freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.

Electronics companies urged to recognise workers' right to unionise

11 мая, 2009At a roundtable meeting in Amsterdam with many of the world's major brand name electronics manufacturers, IMF joined with NGOs in calling on the companies to drop their hostility to trade unions and respect the rights of their workers to freedom of association.


11 мая, 2009


15 мая, 2009subject


15 мая, 2009subject

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