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Showing 5171-5180 из 6755 results

Aerospace unions visit Paris Air Show

24 июня, 2011For the first time, a delegation of IMF affiliated unions visits the Paris Air Show, emphasizing the importance of labour in the success of the industry.

Caterpillar EWC and global union network united in action

27 июня, 2011Members of the Caterpillar European Works Council express their support for the development of the IMF Caterpillar union network in the area of health and training.

IMF protests interference in union autonomy in Ukraine

23 июня, 2011During recent months government pressure against the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine (FTUU) and its affiliates has significantly increased. Many trade union leaders, including FTUU president Vasyl Hara, were summoned to the prosecutor's office. IMF general secretary Jyrki Raina sent a letter to the president of Ukraine Victor Yanukovich demanding an immediate stop to the interference in trade union affairs.

Mexican Supreme Court rules in favor of Freedom of Association

29 июня, 2011The Mexican miners' union has indicated that with that ruling the country is moving toward the establishment of real justice in relations between Mexican unions and the government.

Numsa engineering sector strike starts

4 июля, 2011About 170,000 workers, the vast majority of whom are members of the National Union of Metal Workers of South Africa (NUMSA) embarked on a nationwide strike in the engineering sector on 4 July after a deadlock in wage negotiations. The strike action which brought Johannesburg to a standstill, was also carried out in other major cities nation wide.

Unions demand recovery of dead in New Zealand

5 июля, 2011Industrial unions called for recovery of the bodies of 29 miners killed inside Pike River Coal Ltd.'s colliery. The unions want the miners' remains returned to families before the mine is sold and reopened.

Eternit owners risk 20 years jail sentence

6 июля, 2011At a court hearing in Turin the public prosecutor demanded a 20 year jail sentence for the owners and top management of the multinational Eternit Group for wilfully and maliciously causing an ecological disaster that resulted in numerous deaths from asbestos.

Metal sector strike in South Africa

6 июля, 2011Unions representing 170 000 members started a nationwide strike in the engineering sector on Monday, July 4 after wage negotiations with the steel and engineering employers broke down. Rallies were carried out in Johannesburg, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town.

IMF Africa Regional Conference identifies key regional priorities

12 июля, 2011Affiliates from 16 African countries met in Johannesburg, South Africa on 6th and 7th July 2011 to discuss progress of the women's programme, the implementation of the IMF action programme and the creation of the new global union federation.

NEWU celebrates 27 years of uniting educating and fighting for workers rights

19 июля, 2011The National Engineering Workers Union (NEWU) held its 7th special congress under the theme 27 Years of Uniting, Educating and Fighting for Workers Rights on 24 and 25 June 2011 in Kwe Kwe. The special congress called for unity within the union as well as nationally and internationally to further strengthen the struggle of workers.

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