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Showing 4851-4860 из 6755 results

Unions highlight abuses of mining monopolies

18 мая, 2010At an OECD Steel Committee meeting in Paris in May, IMF highlights abuses by giant mining companies and calls for a sustainable future.

U.S. miners win against Rio Tinto on precarious work

18 мая, 2010In a "David versus Goliath" struggle, braving a 15-week lock-out, scabs, and attacks by Rio Tinto's union-busting firm, ILWU members at Rio Tinto borate mine secure new contract resisting job outsourcing and attacks on union rights.

UN Special Rapporteur hears unions' concern

19 января, 2010Shipbreaking workers in India explain the terrible conditions and struggle they face each day.

Tenaris: resolution in Italy, strike in Argentina

20 января, 2010Tenaris workers reach favourable agreement in Italy, but take strike action in Argentina following the sacking of 23 workers, reports the Tenaris Workers' World Council.

WSF celebrates ten years

21 января, 2010At a World Social Forum event in Porto Alegre in January 2010, civil society groups will seek alternatives to neo-liberal policies and reflect on ten years of work.

G(eneral) M(ess) in Antwerp

22 января, 2010Workers take action to try and secure jobs after GM announces closure of Opel plant in Antwerp, Belgium

A spotlight on climate change

1 декабря, 2009The latest issue of Metal World, published online December 1, calls attention to the upcoming climate change conference in Copenhagen, features engineers at Astrium staying at the cutting edge of technology to tackle climate change, and profiles union activist Ainur Kurmanov's struggle in Kazakhstan.

WTO conference must focus on the global crisis

2 декабря, 2009Trade unions are concerned with the reluctance of the participants of the WTO Ministerial Conference in Geneva to recognise linkage between trade, jobs and global crisis.

Latin American trade union network of miners' affiliates

9 декабря, 2009At the Regional Planning Seminar on Mining, held in Santiago, Chile, affiliates from Argentina, Chile, Mexico and Peru agreed a programme of action on employment and trade union conditions in the mining sector.

Union maintains standoff with federal forces at Mexican mine

25 марта, 2010International labour movement takes action as tensions remain high at Mexico's Cananea mine where 1,300 miners have occupied a Grupo Mexico copper mine defending their right to strike for health and safety standards on the job.

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