In Germany, 75 per cent of Siemens' cuts are union jobs11 июля, 2008IG Metall calls restructuring plan "irresponsible", "excessive", and "unacceptable".
Metal World out now16 января, 2008Featuring a report on how a gold rush in Mongolia is leading to an epidemic of mercury poisoning affecting gold diggers, local people and the environment, the latest issue of IMF's journal Metal World is available now on the IMF website.
Support IBM workers and sign online petition 23 января, 2008IBM workers launch online petition against IBM management's decision to outsource 5,000 workers to AT&T. Support the workers and sign today at:
WTO talks reach critical stage4 февраля, 2008Talks at the WTO on the Doha trade agreement reach a critical stage and trade unions remain extremely concerned about the repercussions an agreement will have on sustainable development and employment.
Unions prepare for expansion of Indian steel industry2 апреля, 2008Trade unions commit to seeking better development outcomes for the people of India as a result of the forecasted growth of the Indian steel industry.
Romanian autoworkers on strike2 апреля, 2008Workers at Renault-owned Dacia are striking for improved wages and benefits.
IMF - the last twenty years6 апреля, 2009The IMF has witnessed important growth and change over the last twenty years, and has shaped the course of international trade unionism in the developed and developing world alike. This work is critical to meet the economic and political challenges of today.
Water and electricity cut off at Ssangyong Motor4 августа, 2009Inside the plant, some 700 autoworkers sit in total darkness cut off from the outside world as the last cell phone battery dies. For the past two weeks, police have blockaded food, water and medical care and attacked workers with taser guns and concentrated tear gas dropped from helicopters.
Workers evicted at Pasta de Conchos5 августа, 2009Police officers and company security staff have entered the mine installations to seize the coal washing plant that Grupo México has supposedly sold to the businessman Rogelio Montemayor. The miners' union described the police action as an assault on legality.