Metal World Africa issue now available14 июня, 2007Issue focuses on Zimbabwean workers and building sustainable unions in Africa.
Rheinmetall IFA stalls19 июня, 2007Rheinmetall management refuses to meet with the International Metalworkers' Federation on the implementation of the international framework agreement.
IMF communicators meet22 июня, 2007Mobilizing workers against precarious work and communicating with trade union films and journals were just some of the topics discussed by delegates at the recent IMF Communicators' Forum.
IMF signs IFA with Brunel3 июля, 2007IMF and affiliate AMWU signs an International Framework Agreement with Brunel, a global recruitment and service provider.
WTO NAMA proposals bad for development24 июля, 2007Trade unions reject latest NAMA proposal, which threatens employment and sustainable development in developing countries by lowering tariffs too far.
Occupation of Ontario plant19 марта, 2003Workers strap themselves to their machines to keep assets of bankrupt company from leaving plant.
Dan Byung-ho set free2 апреля, 2003Internationally-known Korean trade union leader and former metalworker has been released from prison.
Czech steelworkers down tools22 апреля, 2003A one-hour warning strike was called at Ispat Nova Hut in protest at job cuts.
Celebrating May 1st27 апреля, 2003All trade unionists everywhere have a responsibility in strengthening international solidarity, and helping to work towards a sustainable peace.