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Showing 4681-4690 из 6755 results

Finnish company Wärtsilä to close plant in Netherlands

20 декабря, 2001The IMF's Dutch affiliate has requested an investigation as to the possible violation of OECD Guildelines on Multinational Companies.

Framework agreement signed with Italian multinational

7 января, 2002Merloni Elettrodomestici is the first company worldwide to sign an international framework agreement in the metalworking industry.

Further appeal for support for Belarus trade unions

9 января, 2002Government passes ruling in contradiction to the country's Constitution, decisions of the Constitutional Court, Labour Code and trade union laws.

UAW in southern victory

30 января, 2003DaimlerChrysler Freightliner workers in North Carolina show their support for the union.

Belgian metalworkers to strike at Arcelor

4 февраля, 2003Steel group is cutting back its production and freezing investments.

New website section on IFA's

10 февраля, 2003The IMF has launched a new section on its website dealing with International Framework Agreements.

Safety at crisis level in Caribbean Ispat plant

27 февраля, 2003With no budgeting or other provisions for health and safety, workplace accidents and job-related health problems are steadily increasing.

Framework agreement at DaimlerChrysler

25 сентября, 2002IMF welcomes the second global labour agreement for a worldwide player in the automotive industry.

April 28 marks Workers' Memorial Day

25 апреля, 2002Two million workers lose their lives every year due to occupational injury or disease.

Metal unions call on governments to press for change in Mexico

23 апреля, 2008IMF White Paper and documentary exposing deadly rights violations and corruption on the part of the Mexican Government and mining giant, Grupo México, has metalworkers mobilized.

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