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Showing 4651-4660 из 6755 results

Pay gap in Finnish industry

28 ноября, 2002Men still way ahead in wages, with 24 per cent more in hourly pay than women.

Violation of union rights at Auto Mercantil

18 декабря, 2002The Costa Rican distributor of Mercedes-Benz fired workers who were trying to form a local of the union "ANTEP".

IFA: Volkswagen

6 января, 2003

Keep up support for Belarus unions

7 января, 2003IMF French affiliate FGM-CGT asks its government to intervene on behalf of the AAM and REI.

Electrolux deadlock in Romania

26 января, 2003IMF writes to corporate headquarters, as local management refuses to bargain in good faith.

"Choose allies carefully"

26 января, 2003Porto Alegre seminar discusses how old and new social movements can build alliances to fight neo-liberal globalisation.

Indian union delegation visits UK shipyard

15 октября, 2007The international mission aims to bring about health and safety improvements for Indian ship breaking workers.

Precarious Work dominates discussion at IMF Central Committee meeting in Brazil

30 ноября, 2007Metal unions from around the world debate strategies to address the increasing problem of precarious work, participants ended conference with a demonstration in downtown Salvador.

IMF Central Committee adopts resolutions

30 ноября, 2007Resolutions focused on trade and workers' rights in Russia, Kosovo, Korea, Mexico, India, Canada, U.S. and Africa.

No to pre-emptive war against Iraq

5 февраля, 2003

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