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Showing 4251-4260 из 6755 results

Second complaint on Mexican protection contracts lodged with ILO

15 марта, 2010A second complaint regarding the use of protection contracts in Mexico was lodged in February 2010 with the International Labour Organization's (ILO) Committee on Freedom of Association following an earlier, similar complaint lodged by the International Metalworkers' Federation.

Court rules to reinstate ITUA union leader

17 марта, 2010On March 15 a district court in Russia ruled illegal the dismissal of Evgeny Ivanov and ordered General Motors pay him three and a half months' wages in arrears and compensate moral harm.

Good policies on cleaner cars will create jobs

18 марта, 2010UAW calls for cleaner cars and strong climate policy to drive economic recovery and create 150,000 jobs in the U.S.

Why are 90 per cent of collective agreements in Mexico considered "protection contracts"?

19 мая, 2010

Workers given voice at film festival in Geneva

20 мая, 2010Documentary on Turkish women workers' struggle features at Geneva Labour Film Shorts Festival 2010, which brings the voices of workers to light in the face of the financial crisis.

Mexican federal police attack miners at Lázaro Cárdenas

25 мая, 2010Mario García Ortiz, a trade union leader, was detained and then the victim of a brutal assault. A delegation of union leaders that sought an explanation for the detention were beaten and threatened by police. Workers stopped production at ArcelorMittal and marched in repudiation of this attack on Section 271 of the mining union.

More Johnson Control workers under attack in Mexico

27 мая, 2010IMF calls on affiliates to provide solidarity support by urging Johnson Controls to stop its repression of workers at its plants in Mexico.

Foxconn electronics workers suicide in China

1 июня, 2010Work pressures at Foxconn, the world's biggest manufacturer of electronics components and the main supplier to Apple, have driven workers to commit suicide. The company, instead of improving working conditions, forces workers to give promises not to harm themselves.

Mexico 'Teach-In' organized to build trade union solidarity

3 июня, 2010ICEM with IMF & UNI hold Mexico 'Teach-In' on June 20 in Toronto, Canada to raise solidarity with and understanding of the struggle by democratic trade unions in Mexico.

Labour film movement is growing

3 июня, 2010British unions and Oxfam launch contest for short films as part of the Robin Hood Tax campaign, as interest builds in the fourth annual Geneva Labour Film Shorts Festival taking place on June 15.

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