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18 февраля, 2003IMF report on organising non-manual workers discusses the importance of trade unions for workers' rights, wages, career development, stress prevention.

Abuse of rights at IMT Novi Belgrade

27 февраля, 2003The company has fired 12 members of the IMF-affiliated GSM Nezavisnost.

Who organises at Resmed?

6 марта, 2003On behalf of the AMWU, the IMF is seeking out affiliates who have succeeded in getting members in this anti-union company.

Update on Dayson dispute

24 сентября, 2002The IMF-affiliated AMWU has won a provisional injunction by the Federal Court against the Australian subsidiary of Trane.

Deal reached at Ford Canada

30 сентября, 2002The agreement, still to be ratified by the CAW membership, provides a more secure future for workers.

Samancor locks out 300 dismissed workers

24 апреля, 2002The South African metalworkers' union Numsa accuses the BHP-Billiton subsidiary of targeting black workers.

UNTMRA seeks improved working conditions

3 сентября, 2008The Uruguayan Metalworkers Union seeks a reduction in the working week without a reduction in pay.


4 сентября, 2008Behind the razor wire fences of export processing zones in Batam, two Indonesian trade unions are leading the world in successfully organising precariously employed workers.

Metal World reports on organising precarious workers

8 сентября, 2008The latest issue of Metal World features a look at organising precarious workers in Indonesia's Export Processing Zones, a report on leveraged buyouts in the metal sector and an interview with Solidarność's Stefan Przybyszewski.

China: Foreign companies must have unions

26 сентября, 2008The Chinese government sets a September 30 deadline to force "Fortune 500" companies to allow for state-run unions to represent workers.

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