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25 mayo, 2012The Global Framework Agreement (GFA) with Petróleo Brasileiro SA, or Petrobras, the world’s third largest energy company, embodies many of the social principles that we expect companies in extractive industries to adhere to.

Norske Skog

25 mayo, 2012Norske Skogindstrier ASA, IndustriALL, and Norwegian affiliate Fellesforbundet are partners in a Global Framework Agreement that sets out adherence to basic standards of employment, ranging from freedom of association and right to collective bargaining to an employee's right to a safe and healthy work environment, to employment based on permanent employment with temporary and part-time workers receiving the same relative terms and conditions as full-time workers.


25 mayo, 2012Joint Declaration on Human Rights and Working Conditions in the MAN Group. The Agreement defines a reliable set of minimum labour standards that all MAN employees worldwide can refer to while also laying the ethical foundation for the actions of the company and its employees.


25 mayo, 2012The first company based in Eastern Europe to sign a Global Framework Agreement, OAO Lukoil is a major Russian oil and energy company. The GFA is signed with the IndustriALL-affiliated Russian Oil, Gas and Construction Workers Union (ROGWU).


25 mayo, 2012German-based company Leoni, covering 18,000 employees at 50 production facilities in more than 20 countries is partnered with IndustriALL through the "Declaration on Social Rights and Industrial Relations at Leoni".


25 mayo, 2012The agreement contains essential labour rights principles, mentions trading partners, subcontractors and suppliers and establishes a process to review and implement the agreement in all Lafarge worksites.


25 mayo, 2012The Global Framework Agreement with the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS) states that EADS wishes to grow its economic success based on principles and standards consistent with ILO conventions and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.


25 mayo, 2012Italy's three national metalworkers' unions, the FIM, FIOM and UILM, also representing the International Metalworkers' Federation (IMF) - signed an Global Framework Agreement with Merloni Elettrodomestici S.p.A. (now Indesit) in December 2001.


25 mayo, 2012A declaration on Principles of Social Responsibility exists with German-based engineering company GEA, specialized in process technology, thermal and energy technology as well as air treatment and dairy farm systems.


25 mayo, 2012ENGIE, the world’s second largest gas, water services, and electric utility, IndustriALL, the Building and Woodworkers International (BWI), and Public Services International (PSI) are committed to the “Global Agreement on Fundamental Rights, Social Dialogue, and Sustainable Development”. The agreement contains best practice language on trade union rights.