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Obituary: Thamrin Mosii

4 septiembre, 2012Thamrin Mosii, a trade union legend who reformed the Indonesian labour movement after the Suharto era, has died at the age of 65.

Goldminers in Fiji call for union rights

4 septiembre, 2012On strike for the last 21 years, the Fiji Mine Workers’ Union, an affiliate of IndustriALL Global Union, lodged a submission to the Constitutional Commission in Vatukola on 31 August calling for improved workers’ rights in the country’s new constitution.

Another fatal accident at Toquepala - Southern Peru

31 agosto, 2012A worker has died at work after a metal sheet fell on him. The union says that health and safety managers are responsible, and that this is the fourth fatal accident in just over two years.

GM Colmotores workers suspend hunger strike

30 agosto, 2012The dispute over the dismissal of workers with occupational diseases still continues but the workers have decided to suspend their hunger strike after an agreement on mediation.

Zimbabwean electricity utility continues to deny workers rights

30 agosto, 2012ZESA continues in its effort to have the electricity workers abandon their wage increases in exchange for the reinstatement of suspended workers, despite an order from the Minister of Energy for ZESA to uphold the arbitration award granting the increase.

Union victory at MAS-DAF

30 agosto, 2012Birlesik Metal-Is achieved a victory in the long running dispute at MAS-DAF with a court decision on 15 June stating that the dismissal of 104 Birlesik Metal-Is members in April 2011 was unjustified.

Peace talks hoped to turn page on Lonmin troubles

30 agosto, 2012All efforts are now pushing towards a peace accord at the Marikana platinum mine, with 50 negotiators filling the neighbouring Rustenburg town hall under mediation of labour ministry officials.

CAW and CEP on path to create new union

30 agosto, 2012Nearly 1,000 delegates of Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) voted in favour of creating a new union with the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers’ (CEP) union of Canada at the CAW convention in Toronto on 22 August.

Unions file OECD complaint against PKC

30 agosto, 2012Unions in Finland and Mexico joined with IndustriALL Global Union on 28 August in filing a complaint with the OECD against Finnish autoparts maker PKC Group for union busting in Mexico.

Mexican armed forces used against peaceful protest at Excellon mine

30 agosto, 2012Approximately 100 soldiers and officers of the Mexican Army and Federal and state police agencies used force on 29 August to break through the peaceful protest taking place, in front of the La Platosa mine, owned by a subsidiary of Excellon Resources, Inc. in Durango.