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Mostrando 4801-4810 de 5684 resultados

Cambodia Actions

8 octubre, 2013IndustriALL Global Union affiliates in the South East Asia Region met to develop their strategies for 2014 to fight Precarious Work

Finland Actions

8 octubre, 2013IndustriALL Global Union affiliates Metalliliitto, Pro, UIL and TEK in Finland organized a joint seminar with some 100 shop stewards and union activists.

Belarus Actions

8 octubre, 2013Belhimprofsoyuz: on 17 September the IndustriALL Global Union affiliate Belhimprofsoyuz’s Presidium met and approved an Action Plan for the World Day for Decent Work around 7 October.

Czech Republic

8 octubre, 2013OS KOVO has organized the following activities around the World Day for Decent Work:

Canada Actions

8 octubre, 2013UNIFOR: On 7 October it will be newly formed UNIFOR’s first year marking WDDW. See Unifor’s 7 October statement, calling for a “Good Jobs Revolution” in Canada.

Croatia Actions

8 octubre, 2013SMH-IS: On 3 October in conjunction with the World day for Decent Work (WDDW).  IndustriALL affiliate SMH-IS (Trade union of metal workers of Croatia – Industry trade union) held a press conference

Colombia Actions

8 octubre, 2013The Global Glass Alliance of Unions at Owens Illinois which includes: United Steelworkers (USW), Unite of the UK and Ireland, Glass Molders, Pottery, Plastics and Allied Workers International Union

Denmark Actions

8 octubre, 2013CO-Industri: Activities in Denmark against precarious employment are on going.

Sweden Actions

8 octubre, 2013IF Metall: On 7 October IF Metall presented two new films on the importance of being a trade union member and about the national contract for temporary agency workers.

Engineers and IT workers meet at IG Metall

4 octubre, 2013IG Metall organized its 5th Engineers and IT meeting from 24 to 26 September in Berlin. Some 300 people attended it. The theme of the conference was Cooperation.