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Demonstration of unpaid EVM chemical workers in Budapest

14 febrero, 2014A hundred workers from the EVM chemical company held a demonstration demanding their unpaid wages and allowances on 12 February, 2014. The demonstration was organized by VDSZ, the Federation of Chemical Workers of Hungary in front of the law firm representing the EVM owner.

Indonesia - minimum wage must equal living wage now!

14 febrero, 2014At a press conference today in Jakarta, Said Iqbal president of IndustriALL affiliate FSPMI and the KSPI confederation, together with Jyrki Raina, secretary general of IndustriALL Global Union, sent a clear message to the Indonesian government: the minimum wage must be raised to a living wage and all workers must benefit from social security.

Launch of global campaign against Rio Tinto in Cape Town

13 febrero, 2014On 6 February the Rio Tinto Global Union Network drew hundreds of participants to a rally against mining corporation Rio Tinto.

Worker action succeeds at Mauritius Stationery Manufacturers

13 febrero, 2014178 paper sector workers employed by Mauritius Stationery Manufacturers (MSM) Ltd have staged a successful sit-in at the factory in protest at being laid off without compensation.

Affiliates emphasise importance of a union voice in industrial development

13 febrero, 2014IndustriALL is forging ahead with its strategic goal of influencing governments and business on sustainable industrial policy. In line with its Action Plan objectives of promoting strong industrial policies and ensuring that workers have a say in the future direction of their industries, IndustriALL has conducted a series of regional consultations with affiliates.

Global union leader supports demands by Indonesian workers

13 febrero, 2014International labour leader and General Secretary of IndustriALL Global Union, Jyrki Raina will be joined by Indonesian trade union hero Said Iqbal for a press conference on 14 February 2014.

Arrested striking miners released but the struggle continues

12 febrero, 2014All 28 striking miners detained by the Iranian authorities at the Chadormalu Mine in the central province of Yazd have been released and the strike has been called off. However with major issues unresolved it could easily restart in the near future.

Unilever alienating workers in South Africa and UK

12 febrero, 2014Trade unions continue to rally against the anti-union management policies of food and chemical giant Unilever. IndustriALL joins IUF in condemning latest anti-worker in the UK and South Africa.

Support Hungarian chemical workers striking for rights

11 febrero, 2014IndustriALL Global Union is joining the call for international solidarity from Hungarian affiliate the Federation of Chemical Workers of Hungary (VDSZ).

IndustriALL calls on Egyptian government to respond to strikers’ demands

11 febrero, 2014Around 22,000 workers are currently striking at Egypt’s largest state-owned textile company in Mahalla.