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Present in the office – yes or no?

8 diciembre, 2014Microsoft recently abolished the requirement that staff be present at the office. The possibility of working in the home office is being offered more and more by German companies too. But how efficient is working at home?

Israeli union wins rise in minimum wage

8 diciembre, 2014Israeli union federation Histadrut has succeeded in increasing the minimum wage for private workers in Israel by NIS 700 (US$175) rather than NIS 200 (US$50) proposed by the finance minister.

1100 workers protest outside Iranian parliament

8 diciembre, 2014More than a thousand construction and petrochemical workers protested outside the Iranian parliament last month.

Honda Mexico – reinstated worker fired again

5 diciembre, 2014Honda Mexico has again shown its anti-union policies and readiness to violate the freedom of association and labour rights by dismissing for a second time Raúl Celestino Pallares Cardoza, Records Secretary of the Honda Mexico workers’ democratic trade union, STUHM.

Continued strike at Glencore’s Koornfontein mine

5 diciembre, 2014800 workers at the Koornfontein mine in Mpumalanga, South Africa, have been on strike since 17 October, protesting against substandard severance payments.

Struggle for resources threatens labour rights

5 diciembre, 2014Climate change threatens everything the labour movement stands for: fairness; social justice; decent work, and human rights, reports Brian Kohler, IndustriALL Global Union’s director of sustainability from the United Nations climate change conference, COP-20, in Lima, Peru. 

Unfair dismissals at troubled auto plant

5 diciembre, 2014The dispute over the democratization of the union at Teksid Hierro, part of the Fiat Chrysler group, in Monclova, Coahuila, Mexico, began on 16 April this year with a strike in protest at the disgracefully low wages and benefits. More than 600 workers wanted to see the CTM union thrown out and replaced by the National Miners’ Union, the SNTMMSRM.

IndustriALL’s magazine out now!

4 diciembre, 2014As recent mobilizations demonstrate the power of global solidarity, this edition of IndustriALL Global Union’s “Global Worker” looks at some significant union struggles and how global worker solidarity can make all the difference when facing these struggles.

Women put issues at top of IndustriALL agenda

4 diciembre, 2014Stopping violence against women and children should be integral to IndustriALL’s work, said Christine Olivier in her opening remarks to the Women’s Committee meeting in Tunis on 3 December.

New minimum wage sets off demonstrations in Indonesia

4 diciembre, 2014With a new minimum wage in Indonesia set much lower than union demands, workers have already taken to the streets and are gearing up for further protests at the end of the month.