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IndustriALL’s UK steel affiliates to strike against pension cuts

11 junio, 201517,000 Tata Steel workers in the UK will halt the country’s steel industry on 22 June in a strike rejecting proposed pension cuts.

Improved maternity protection needed in Uganda

11 junio, 2015Twenty-one women leaders and shop stewards from IndustriALL Global Union affiliated unions in Uganda met at the end of May 2015 to discuss issues faced by women workers, particularly the need for improved maternity protection.  

Hungarian turbine mechanics prepare to strike for fair pay

10 junio, 2015Criticizing Granite management for breaking their word and continuing to treat Hungarian workers worse than colleagues elsewhere in the world, the members of VDSZ are preparing strike action at this General Electric subsidiary.

Unions ready to rebuild Nepal

9 junio, 2015On 8 June the Joint Trade Union Coordination Centre of Nepal (JTUCC) organized a special Nepal Forum in support of Nepalese unions during the International Labour Conference in Geneva.

ITUC launches petition to halt TPP trade negotiations

9 junio, 2015The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), together with national trade union centres, is demanding transparency in discussions over the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)  — a free trade agreement currently being negotiated in secret.

Rana Plaza victims’ compensation fund reaches US$30 million target

8 junio, 2015IndustriALL Global Union and UNI Global Union, two signatories to the Bangladesh Accord, welcome the news that the Rana Plaza Compensation Fund has finally reached its target.

ITUC names ten worst countries for workers

5 junio, 2015The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) has listed the ten worst countries in the world for workers in its Global Rights Index 2015 report.

Indonesian workers strike against Philips union busting

4 junio, 2015600 workers at PT. Philips Industries Batam, members of IndustriALL Global Union through the Federation of Indonesian Metal Workers' Union (FSPMI), went on strike on 3 June in protest at the union busting and unfair dismissals by company management.

Strike at Volvo Brazil ends with worker victory

4 junio, 2015Workers at Volvo Brazil have ended the longest strike in the company’s history. An agreement on pay and on job security was finally reached on 1 June, ending a 24-day strike that was called in response to company threats to dismiss workers.  

Lesotho unions merge

3 junio, 2015IndustriALL Global Union affiliates organising predominantly in Lesotho’s textile and garment sector merged on 31 May to form a new union, the Independent Democratic Union of Lesotho (IDUL).