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IndustriALL Global Union and H&M sign global framework agreement

3 noviembre, 2015The world’s largest sectorial trade union organization, IndustriALL Global Union, representing 50 million workers, and the world’s leading garment retailer H&M have together with the Swedish trade union IF Metall signed a global framework agreement, protecting the interests of 1.6 million garment workers.

Indonesia – violence against union protestors

2 noviembre, 201525 demonstrators were arrested and many were injured when 35,000 people took to the streets of Jakarta to protest against a new regulation that excludes trade unions from the minimum wage setting process.

Trade unions in Western Africa fight against precarious work

29 octubre, 2015IndustriALL Global Union affiliates from Togo, Senegal and Burkina Faso have managed to convert several hundreds of precarious workers into permanent workers.

First global network at Saint-Gobain is created

29 octubre, 2015At a meeting in Paris on 27 – 28 October, trade unions from France, Belgium, Thailand, Brazil, Indonesia and India committed to create a global union network in French multi-sectorial multinational company (MNC) Saint-Gobain.

SME victory after a six-year campaign

29 octubre, 2015The Mexican Electrical Workers’ Union (SME) has won an important victory: after six years of struggle, resistance and negotiations, it has signed an agreement with the federal government that gives it control over a number of electricity generating plants. This will mean new jobs for thousands of workers who have been unemployed since 2009.

IndustriALL chemical workers in LAC stronger together

28 octubre, 2015Trade union leaders in the chemicals and pharmaceuticals industries from all over Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) attended the first regional meeting of IndustriALL chemicals sector workers. The aim was to share and analyze the current trade union situation and labour relations and plan actions and activities on the problems that affect them.

Numsa strikes on steel

27 octubre, 2015On 14 October, thousands of Numsa members as well as workers from other sectors and community members marched together in Johannesburg against corruption and in support of jobs.

Organizing workers in Sri Lankan Free Trade Zones

27 octubre, 2015A workshop was organized on 25 October in Colombo under the IndustriALL/Unifor organizing project for women organizers and activists in Sri Lankan Export Processing Zones (EPZs). The participants were from IndustriALL affiliated unions in Sri Lanka involved in organizing workers in the Katunayake, Biyagama & Panadura Free Trade Zones (FTZs) in Sri Lanka. 

Colombia: trade union activist Francisco Ramirez Cuellar must be kept safe!

27 octubre, 2015Francisco Ramirez Cuellar is a Colombian trade union leader under serious threat from paramilitary groups in the country because of his trade union activism. IndustriALL is taking action and demanding that his life be protected.

More workers killed in Bangladeshi shipbreaking yard

26 octubre, 2015On 20 October another major accident happened in a Chittagong shipbreaking yard, this time killing three workers. IndustriALL Global Union campaigns to clean up this industry, the world’s most dangerous to work in.