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IndustriALL Global Union takes action in Cambodia

17 diciembre, 2015IndustriALL Global Union held its Executive Committee in Cambodia as a show of support of its affiliated unions in the country.

IndustriALL welcomes new Somali oil union

17 diciembre, 2015Cooperation and efforts of the Federation of Somali Trade Unions (FESTU), IndustriALL Global Union and its Norwegian affiliate Industri Energi brought a fantastic result in Somalia. The first union uniting petroleum and gas workers saw the light during the founding national congress on 13-14 December 2015.

Trade union alliance established at Smurfit Kappa

17 diciembre, 2015Union representatives of workers at Europe’s biggest packaging company, Smurfit Kappa established a trade union alliance on 14 December.

Unite lobbies UK government to ratify Hong Kong Convention

17 diciembre, 2015Unite the Union, IndustriALL Global Union’s affiliate in the UK and Ireland, has called on the David Cameron government to “be part of an effective solution to the problem of unsafe and unsustainable shipbreaking, and urgently ratify the Hong Kong Convention”.

JYRKI RAINA: Welcome to Global Worker

15 diciembre, 2015In this issue of Global Worker, you will see how our affiliates are fighting to make the shipbreaking industry sustainable in South Asia, while our South African union is adapting to the new reality of the global garment sector. All of this is part of our joint worldwide struggle for a better life for our workers.

SPECIAL REPORT: Cleaning up shipbreaking the world’s most dangerous job

15 diciembre, 2015Workers in this industry face dangerous and precarious working conditions, with very little training, safety equipment and medical services, and they receive poverty wages. IndustriALL Global Union is campaigning to support organizing at the South Asia yards and is pushing governments in countries with major shipping industries to take responsibility for workers’ safety.

IndustriALL's initial reaction to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change decision CP.21 and Paris Agreement

14 diciembre, 2015The Paris Agreement, released on Saturday 12 December, has already been hailed by some as an historic achievement, and by others as a historic failure. These reactions do not help us to understand what it is, and what it is not.

COP21 and the Paris Agreement: A starting point, not a finish line

14 diciembre, 2015The final version of the Paris Decision and Agreement was released Saturday 12 December at the end of COP21 – the twenty-first Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The outcome is weak and imperfect in several areas, but may be the best that could be politically achieved at this moment, and may nevertheless mark a turning point for the planet.

Dear Signet, don’t let Rio Tinto take the sparkle out of Christmas

14 diciembre, 2015This holiday season, unions are again calling on one of the world’s largest jewellery retailers to clean up its supplier of diamonds. They are urging Signet to demand that multinational mining and metals giant Rio Tinto respect workers’ rights, indigenous peoples and the environment.

IndustriALL COP21 blog

12 diciembre, 2015IndustriALL Global Union's director of sustainability, Brian Kohler, reports from the crucial climate summit taking place in Paris...