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14 clothing brands express support for reform of Mexico’s labour justice system

16 agosto, 201714 international clothing brands have written to the Mexican government declaring their support for constitutional reform of the labour justice system and for secondary legislation to fully reflect the constitutional changes.

Lesotho: Union keeps up wage demands

15 agosto, 2017IndustriALL affiliate, Independent Democratic Union of Lesotho, is not giving up on its demands for decent wages. An organizing rally in Maseru, Lesotho on 6 August was attended by over 100 workers, mainly young women workers, organizers and shop stewards.

Pakistan: Shipbreaking workers win wage increase

14 agosto, 2017Shipbreaking Workers Union Gadani (SBWUG) called off their strike on 4 August after negotiations with the employers association yielded significant results, including a wage increase.

Indian unions call for massive mobilization against Modi government’s anti-worker policies

11 agosto, 2017Trade unions are calling hundreds of thousands of workers to mobilize on 9 to 11 November 2017, to protest against the government’s anti- labour policies. Workers are also urged to prepare for indefinite countrywide strike action. 

IndustriALL mission to Indonesia finds human rights crisis for sacked workers

11 agosto, 2017The IndustriALL Global Union mission to Indonesia in solidarity with workers fired for striking at PT Freeport and PT Smelting, has revealed a human rights crisis, with workers losing access to food, housing, education and basic healthcare.

Global unions call for release of the union leader in Belarus

10 agosto, 2017IndustriALL Global Union and International Confederation of Trade Unions (ITUC), addressed a joint letter to the President of Belarus expressing deep concern and indignation over the recent searches in the offices of independent unions as well as the detention of a trade union leader.

Iraqi unions urge parliament to reject social security bill

10 agosto, 2017Trade unions in Iraq, including IndustriALL Global Union affiliates, are calling on the Iraqi parliament to reject a draft social security law, which would reduce social protection for thousands of people already suffering in the war-ravaged state. 

Living wage campaign launched in the Philippines

9 agosto, 2017Philippine trade unions hold a three-day workshop laying the framework and strategies to pursue a living wage in the country.

South Africa: NUM marches against plans to cull 8,500 jobs at AngloGold Ashanti

9 agosto, 2017IndustriALL Global Union South African affiliate, the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), took to the streets of Johannesburg on 5 August and marched to the offices of mining company AngloGold Ashanti to protest proposed retrenchments of 8,500 workers at mines in Carletonville and Matlosana. 

Haiti textile workers denounce violations of ILO conventions

9 agosto, 2017Workers employed in the free trade export zones in Haiti have denounced violations of ILO Conventions 87 and 98 by Interamerican Wovens and Sewing International SA