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Union activists face new repression and attacks in Kazakhstan

23 noviembre, 2018Early in November, Dmitry Seniyavskiy, a trade union leader of the local branch of the Fuel and Energy Workers' Union (FEWU) in the Karaganda Region was attacked and brutally beaten by a band of unidentified goons. FEWU leader Erlan Baltabai is under arrest on trumped-up accusations.

General strike in Tunisia against government cuts

23 noviembre, 2018On 22 November, 670,000 public sector workers of the Tunisian union federation Union Générale Tunisienne du Travail (UGTT) took part in a general strike to demand higher wages.

Cement factory death mobilizes Albanian trade unions on safety

23 noviembre, 2018Trade unions in Albania rapidly organized a health and safety seminar on 18 November following the tragic death of a cement factory worker last month and an increase in the number of victims of workplace accidents and diseases in the country.

Not in our workplace, not in our union!

22 noviembre, 2018In the last year, nearly 100 affiliated unions have taken IndustriALL’s pledge to end violence and harassment against women in the workplace.

South African mineworkers’ union launches campaign against gender-based violence

22 noviembre, 2018When launching 16 days of activism against the abuse of women and children, the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) remembered Nombuso Dube, a KwaZulu Natal provincial treasurer of the union’s women structure, and her mother, Mthokozile Dube, who were shot dead in October. 

Lives at risk in ExxonMobil dispute in Australia

22 noviembre, 2018A long-running dispute with oil and gas giant ExxonMobil and its contractor UGL is putting workers’ lives at risk and having a devastating effect on communities, reveals Troy Carter from the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU) in an interview with IndustriALL.

Using global framework agreements in the Myanmar garment industry

22 noviembre, 2018Forty-two trade unionists from Myanmar gathered in Yangon on 16 and 17 November for a workshop on how to effectively implement global framework agreements (GFAs) in the textile and garment industry. 

Towards sectoral bargaining in the Bulgarian textile industries

21 noviembre, 2018Strengthening social dialogue, unions and employer structures on a path towards industry-level collective bargaining and living wages in the Bulgarian garment and footwear industries, was the main message at a seminar on 14-15 November 2018 in Sofia, attended by 40 national and local-level union representatives, industry associations, major brands, key suppliers and the Deputy Minister of Economy.

Korean workers down tools in national strike for Chaebol reform

21 noviembre, 2018Members of IndustriALL Global Union affiliate the Korean Metal Workers’ Union (KMWU) joined the KCTU general strike today calling for reform to chaebols and to labour laws.

Caribbean unions continue to strengthen outreach and cooperation in the region

21 noviembre, 2018Condemnation of the attacks on trade union rights and the crisis in the oil and steel industries in the Caribbean were high on the agenda of IndustriALL Global Union’s Caribbean meeting held in Paramaribo in Suriname on 12-13 November.