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Mostrando 1521-1530 de 5684 resultados

Indonesian paper workers fighting for their jobs

12 junio, 2020Management of the large pulp and paper company PT Tanjungenim Lestari is facing international outcry for allowing union busting of its workforce. The unionized handlers have worked for up to 20 years loading pulp and paper at different stages along the production line.

Polish wage strike at International Paper

12 junio, 2020Striking in demand of a monthly wage increase of 85 euros, workers at the International Paper (IP) Kwidzyn paper mill in Northern Poland started indefinite industrial action on 9 June.

Workers paid allowance after strike at DRC mine

11 junio, 2020Thousands of mine workers quarantined at Tenke Fungurume copper and cobalt mine in Democratic Republic of the Congo for two-months as part of prevention strategies for Covid-19, held a successful strike on 23 May for payment of a special allowance.

This time standing in solidarity is just not enough

11 junio, 2020While the world cries out in the midst of a pandemic around the black lives matter movement, trade unions stand in solidarity in demanding justice, accountability and reform in the United States and also around the world.

MTN Plastik in Turkey sacks 26 union members

10 junio, 2020With a mass dismissal and threat of continuing to sack more trade union supporters, MTN Plastik is attacking its employees for joining IndustriALL affiliate Lastik-Is, a member of DISK national center.

Union in Tanzania stops attempt to cut wages

10 junio, 2020When Mazava Fabrics and Production East Africa announced that it is closing for three months and cutting wages by 50 per cent due to the Covid-19 pandemic, over 2,000 workers picketed at the garment factory.

BHP violates enterprise agreement to change shift system

10 junio, 2020Citing Covid-19 measures as an excuse, mining giant BHP Billiton has unilaterally changed the shift system at an Australian coal mine.

Unions call for non-cooperation against Modi government

9 junio, 2020Indian unions are intensifying their struggle against Modi government’s failure to protect workers’ interests during the Covid-19 lockdown and its aggressive attacks on workers’ rights. A day of non-cooperation is announced for 3 July.

All-night picket over 1,200 illegal lay-offs

9 junio, 2020Women workers at Euro Clothing Company ECC-2, India, supplier to global fashion brands like H&M, staged an overnight sit-in at the factory, protesting against the illegal lay-offs of 1,200 workers.

Principles for action on Covid-19 in textile, garment, shoes and leather industries

8 junio, 2020The worldwide spread of COVID-19 is having a devastating impact on workers in textile, garment, shoes and leather (TGSL) industries.