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Unions demand to drop charges against Kamal Abbas

7 marzo, 2012The Global Union Federations IMF, ICEM and ITGLWF join the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) demanding Egyptian authorities drop charges against Kamal Abbas, general coordinator of the Egyptian Center for Trade Union and Workers' Services, sentenced for six month imprisonment in February 2012.

Women in manufacturing face fourth largest pay gap

8 marzo, 2012A new report from ITUC reveals that the average gender pay gap of 18 per cent remains unchanged for 10 years, with women workers in manufacturing facing, on average, the fourth largest gender pay gap.

Daimler unions in solidarity for global union rights

24 febrero, 2012At the Daimler World Employee Committee (WEC) meeting in February members reported on the situation and developments in their country and expressed solidarity with UAW's efforts to establish union representation in the Mercedes-Benz plant in Tuscaloosa.

Strike against labour brokers in South Africa

8 marzo, 2012More than 200,000 workers dressed in yellow and red took to the streets in 32 city centres in South Africa in an extraordinary show of worker power against labour brokers.

No holding back at NUMSA's Political Commission

13 marzo, 2012On 23 February NUMSA held its first ever Political Commission attended by President Jacob Zuma, COSATU General Secretary Zwelinzima Vavi and SACP CC Member Charles Setsebi. Whilst President Zuma was received with a rousing welcome, with song and dance in a beautiful marquee draped in red and yellow at the NUMSA building in Johannesburg's Bree Street, this was a very serious affair.

Rio Tinto: unions condemn lockout in Québec

9 febrero, 2012The European Works Council (EWC) of Rio Tinto joins with unions from around the world in condemning the company for its lockout of 780 Canadian members of Syndicat des Métallos d'Alma, an affiliate of the United Steelworkers (USW) in Alma, Québec.

Impact of precarious work under scrutiny in Australia

9 febrero, 2012Commencing on a series of public hearings across Australia in February, the Howe Inquiry is examining the impact of insecure jobs on the workplace and the community having already received over 500 submissions.

JAW supports democratic union elections at Honda Mexico

9 febrero, 2012The Confederation of Japan Automobile Workers' Unions (JAW) meets with the independent union STUHM and the International Metalworkers' Federation in Mexico and reiterates its expectation for fair and free union elections at Honda Mexico consistent with ILO Conventions 87 and 98.

ITUA activist reinstated at AvtoVAZ in Russia

21 febrero, 2012On January 31, a local court in Togliatti (Russia) ordered the company to reinstate Olga Boiko, an activist of the Interregional Trade Union of Autoworkers (ITUA) local called 'Unity' at AvtoVAZ. However, even after the court ruling the anti-union discrimination didn't stop.

Rio Tinto reprimanded by Australian court

16 febrero, 2012The Australian High Court last week refused to hear an appeal by Rio Tinto over the company's illegal non-union collective agreements imposed on iron ore miners in West Australia.