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Thai metalworkers unite to get stronger

6 octubre, 2011Three days after attending the IMF workshop on union building and organizing two Thai metalworkers' unions agreed to forge closer cooperation and build a stronger metalworkers union movement in Thailand with an estimated hundred thousand membership.

No decent work without union rights

6 octubre, 2011More than hundred union leaders gathered in Bangkok to demand the ratification of ILO Convention 87 and 98, minimum wage increase and decent work

Georgian metalworkers at Hercules Steel rehired

11 octubre, 2011International pressure -- both inside and out of Georgia -- caused a change of course last week by police and political authorities in the aftermath of belligerent 15 September strike-breaking at Euroasian Steels in Kutaisi.

Organising victory at No Lemon Liberia

2 agosto, 2011On 22nd July, Liberian affiliate, Metal Mechanic Electrical Communications and Allied Workers Union (MMECAWU) won recognition through plant level elections, ending a five year battle for the right to organise No Lemon Liberia, a subsidiary of the multinational of Automotive Management Services.

Landmark legal victory for Indonesian workers

1 agosto, 2011Indonesia's National Court in Central Jakarta finds Indonesian President, Vice President, Head of Parliament and eight Ministers guilty of not implementing the Social Security law for the protection of workers

Indonesian workers demand social security for all

15 junio, 2011Indonesian and global unions reject speech given by Indonesian President Yudhoyono at the International Labour Conference on June 14, stating it does not reflect the reality of the situation in Indonesia, and call for comprehensive social security for all.

Labour Code adoption in Kyrgyzstan postponed to June 1

28 marzo, 2012On March 23 trade unions of Kyrgyzstan held a meeting against the hasty adoption of the new Labour Code, undermining workers' rights. Thanks to the unions resolute position, backed by international pressure, adoption of the new Labour Code of Kyrgyzstan is postponed unitl June 1.

IndustriALL flag on its way to the top of the world

2 abril, 2012On April 3, 2012, Dorje Khatri, central committee member of the General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions (GEFONT) will leave Kathmandu on a journey to put the flag of IndustriALL Global Union on Mount Everest.

'Killer jeans' remain in production

3 abril, 2012Despite a ban on sandblasting announced by many brands some time ago, according to a recent report, sandblasting is still used in the production of artificially worn-out jeans. Large factories in poor countries continue using the deadly technique notorious for its health risks to workers.

Successful national strike in Spain

1 abril, 2012Over ten million workers supported a general national strike in Spain on March 29 called by two major union federations CC.OO and UGT.