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Awards to unions in Belarus

6 junio, 1999Many guests from countries in the former Soviet Union attended the Swedish Metalworkers' Union Congress. Two unions from Belarus received awards.

Help Korea's Sammi workers

15 marzo, 2000Send messages of support for the Sammi Specialty Steel workers and help them get their jobs back.

Deal signed at Sandvik Asia

21 marzo, 2000Settlement was reached with a view to promoting and maintaining industrial peace and harmony.

New IMF magazine published

26 marzo, 2000The IMF general secretary, Marcello Malentacchi, welcomes the IMF's new magazine, METAL WORLD, in his most recent opinion column.

Court case dropped against GWU

30 marzo, 2000International trade union pressure helped bring an end to the charges against Malta's General Workers' Union.

Strike avoided in Norway

2 abril, 2000Main trade union demands were met just one hour before 21,500 workers were due to start industry-wide strike action.

Joint activities by competing unions

3 abril, 2000The IMF's two affiliates in the Republic of Korea have organised a joint seminar on occupational health and safety.

Caribbean Ispat workers down tools

4 abril, 2000Negotiations collapse between steel company and union in Trinidad and Tobago.

Keep issue of currency transaction tax on UN agenda

9 abril, 2000The IMF was present at the meeting of the Preparatory Committee for the Special Session of the UN General Assembly.

Job losses for Argentinean autoworkers

17 abril, 2000Both Fiat and Renault are laying off workers at their car assembly factories.