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Asbestos lobbying group dissolved in Canada

14 mayo, 2012The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) reports that the Chrysotile Institute, a pro-asbestos lobby group, funded by Canadian Government will stop its operation.

UOM demands pay rise

15 mayo, 2012The Argentinean metalworkers' union organises a 24 hour strike in support of its demands for a pay rise.

Young precarious workers tell their stories in Italy

11 mayo, 2012Who are precarious workers? What are their living and working conditions? What is their future? A new project recently launched in Italy is aimed to answer these questions though listening to the stories of young people.

Young workers pay highest price for the crisis

14 mayo, 2012In 2011 more and more young people took to the streets in Europe as they realised that they are the number one victims of the crisis. After the financial crisis hit in 2008 the result has been the worst in 30 years. The result in Europe is not only an economic crisis but a far-reaching social crisis.

Unite fights to save IT jobs in the UK

26 mayo, 2012Unite the Union talks with Hewlett-Packard to safeguard 1,600 jobs under threat in its UK operations. Earlier, the union secured delayed compulsory lay-offs at IT services company CSC giving staff time to find alternative employment.

REPAM president Gennady Fedynich detained again at Belarus border

27 mayo, 2012REPAM president Gennady Fedynich, union branch president Igor Komlik, and Praca-by.info editor Natalia Vereschagina were taken off the train at the Belarus-Luthuanian border on May 25. Customs officers took their money, laptop and modem for 'examination'. Fedynich was already detained in the same circumstances on February 21.

Unprecedented attack on workers' rights at ILO

5 junio, 2012For the first time in the history of the International Labour Organization, the employers' group blocked discussion on June 4 on some of the worst cases of workers' rights violations at the annual ILO conference in Geneva.

Metalworkers in Asia Pacific discuss unity and diversity

4 junio, 2012Metalworkers from Asia and the Pacific countries met in Kaohsiung, TAIWAN-R.O.C to discuss the ongoing process to build stronger unity among affiliates of IMF, ICEM and ITGLWF in their respective countries before and after the creation of IndustriALL Global Union.

Annual survey of violations of trade union rights released

6 junio, 2012Report finds that in 2011, at least 76 workers died directly as a result of their trade union activities - in addition to those killed during the repression of the Arab Spring protests.

Human rights heroes band together to form IndustriALL Global Union

14 junio, 2012A new global union to fight for human rights of working people will be founded on June 19 in Copenhagen, Denmark.