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Unions demand equal pay in Switzerland

15 junio, 2011In a national day of action and strike on June 14, unions and workers around Switzerland demanded equal pay for women and a minimum wage. Women in Switzerland earn on average 20 per cent less than men doing the same job.

Maruti - Suzuki workers struggle for trade union rights

16 junio, 2011Maruti - Suzuki workers launched sit-in strike from June 4 demanding trade union rights. While the management sacked 11 workers including union office bearers, thousands of workers in Gurgaon region stand in solidarity with workers. International Metalworkers' Federation (IMF) expresses its solidarity and calls upon the management to accept workers' democratic right to a union.

Global Union Film Shorts 2011 now out

12 junio, 2011A one hour selection of short films from the 2011 Global Union Film Shorts DVD was launched at the EMF Unions in Motion Films Festival in Duisburg, Germany on June 11. The DVD will be sent to film festivals world wide and is now available.

Cananea, Taxco and Sombrerete miners complete four years on strike

1 agosto, 2011The miners union is organizing rallies and meetings to reaffirm support for the strikes, to discuss how to strengthen them and to call on the local communities to continue to support the miners.

USW Union Ratifies Honeywell Contract

4 agosto, 20112 August 2011 members of United Steelworkers (USW) Local 7-669 in Metropolis, Illinois, ratified a three-year labour agreement with Honeywell, Inc., ending the lockout started over a year ago on June 28, 2010.

Uncertainty Continues for Swissmetal Workers

17 agosto, 2011Swiss trade union UNIA has achieved significant steps in the campaign to save the jobs of 470 workers at Swissmetal, a company on the verge of bankruptcy. The first victory was ensuring all staff received salary payments for the month of July. This was achieved through pressure on Switzerland's Secretary of State for the Economy, and on the cantonal governments of Soleure and Berne.

Labour rights violations continue at Trexta in Turkey

22 febrero, 2012Labour rights violations continue at Trexta, a manufacturing company in Turkey. Nine workers were dismissed because of their membership of Deri-Is, a local union affiliated to the Textile Garment and Leather Workers' Federation (ITGLWF) in Turkey.

IMF challenges FLA investigations at Foxconn

23 febrero, 2012In an open letter to Apple shareholders, the International Metalworkers Federation (IMF), GoodElectronics and makeITfair declare the investigations of the Fair Labour Association (FLA) at Apple supplier Foxconn to be a PR stunt.

Danish industrial contract gives job security prime seating

20 febrero, 2012Job security and job creation was the foundation behind a new two-year national labour agreement between social partners in Denmark. That came together in marathon bargaining over the weekend, February 11-12, in framework talks for 240,000 Danish manufacturing workers and 6,000 enterprises, the latter represented by Dansk Industri.

IMF demands reinstatement for Ricoh Thailand unionists

24 febrero, 2012The IMF has written to the CEO of Ricoh Ltd in Japan to demand reinstatement for all 54 workers who were dismissed for forming a trade union.