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Swedwood workers in Virginia vote to unionize

28 julio, 2011In a secret ballot election conducted by the National Labor Relations Board, an agency of the United States Federal Government, workers at Swedwood's operation in Danville Virginia voted to be represented by IMF and Building and Wood Workers International (BWI) affiliate, the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW).

Worker empowerment holds key to lower fatalities

27 abril, 2011This April 28 the International Metalworkers' Federation calls for greater empowerment of union safety representatives as they are the best means to a safer and healthier workplace.

Liberian unions work towards a merger

30 abril, 2011On the 18 April 2011 sixteen union leaders from the International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions (ICEM)affiliate United Workers Union of Liberia (UWUL) and International Metalworkers' Federation (IMF) affiliate Metal, Mechanical Electrical Communications and Allied Workers Union (MMECAWU) met in Monrovia to discuss the possibility of a merger and to develop a program of cooperation.

IMF shows solidarity with Mexican miners on May day

2 mayo, 2011IMF delegates from Latin America and the Caribbean took part in the march to commemorate Workers' Day in Mexico, in solidarity with Mexican miners and the country's independent trade union movement.

IMF Latin America Regional Conference

5 mayo, 2011Gender, trade union networks, solidarity, trade, employment and development issues and also focused on the mission, objectives and structure of the new international trade union federation were on the agenda at this conference.

Foxconn and Apple fail to fulfill promises

13 mayo, 2011A new report finds that Foxconn is failing to improve conditions of work at its electronics manufacturing factories in China following the series of worker suicides in 2010.

110 workers fired for union membership in Turkey

18 mayo, 2011Birlesik Metal-IS members protest the firings by marching from the factory gates to the company headquarters, a week-long, 219 km march from Duzce to Istanbul.

Mónica Veloso elected President of CNTM in Brazil

24 mayo, 2011Progress in the metalworkers' confederation affiliated to Força Sindical in Brazil - a woman is elected leader of the confederation for the first time.

OECD Guidelines revised and improved

25 mayo, 2011OECD Guidelines for Multinational Companies are updated and improved to be extended to suppliers and for better protection of precarious workers.

Peruvian mine workers to go on strike

28 mayo, 2011Peruvian mine workers' Federation calls for a national strike starting May 30 in defense of three demands on the government to improve conditions for permanent, temporary and subcontracted mine workers in Peru.