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VW world works council welcomes China

1 noviembre, 2010Volkswagen's world works council discusses the implementation of the group's labour relations charter. For the first time, worker and management representatives from the plants in China attend the meeting.

CAW campaigns against reduction of wages and benefits

2 noviembre, 2010Over a hundred auto parts workplaces participated in protest actions organized by IMF Canadian affiliate CAW on October 27. Auto workers protested against pressure for wage cuts and pension reduction imposed on them both by employers and the government.

BYD Electronics in Chennai resorts to mass dismissals

2 noviembre, 2010BYD Electronics, a Nokia supplier-company based in Chennai, India, on November 1 terminated workers en masse, ordered 437 others to sign a letter of apology to keep their jobs and announced an illegal lockout in response to the workers' demands for union recognition and improved conditions. IMF joins with LabourStart in calling on the Tamil Nadu government to ensure these workers' rights are respected.

Leader of PEMEX union in Mexico sacked

2 noviembre, 2010Oppression of the 30,000 technical and professional employees of PEMEX, Mexico's state-owned petroleum company, continued on October 22 when the General Secretary of Local 1 of the National Union of Technical and Professional Petroleum Workers (UNTyPP) was given "forced retirement."

Delphi announces plant closure in Czech Republic

26 agosto, 2010OS KOVO calls for letters of solidarity as 1,400 employees will lose their jobs following the announced closure of a Delphi plant by May 2011 in Česká Lípa, Czech Republic.

Workers oppose employment law changes in New Zealand

24 agosto, 2010Thousands of workers participated in the rallies organized by the IMF New Zealand affiliate EPMU against changes proposed by the government to the employment law. The rallies are a part of a nationwide union campaign 'Fairness at Work'.

Building international solidarity between workers of the Nampak Group

8 septiembre, 2010In August 2010 about 20 shopstewards and union official from Tanzania, Zimbabwe and South Africa met in Johannesburg to discuss the formation of an International Nampak Shop Stewards Council. The two day meeting was organised to encourage networking amongst affiliates engaging with South African multinational Nampak, which has an established presence in several African countries and across Europe.

IMF condemns arrests and repression in Swaziland

8 septiembre, 2010Swaziland government attempts to crush trade unionists and pro-democracy movement as international solidarity support for a just and free society for Swazi people grows.

Steel workers taking action in Germany

22 septiembre, 201085,000 German steel workers and members of IMF affiliate IG Metall start warning strikes in support of their collective bargaining demands for a six per cent wage increase and equal treatment of agency workers.

Conference calls for recovery focused on jobs

16 septiembre, 2010Unions call for concrete action following the International Labour Organization and the International Monetary Fund conference on employment.